Yes, after the long wait. Allons-y.
Refer to the August 1, 2013 Patch Notes for more details.
Yes, after the long wait. Allons-y.
Refer to the August 1, 2013 Patch Notes for more details.
I've been getting slaughtered on that battle. Just leveled her up to 7 earlier this morning.
yeah it was a close one on lvl 8, prioritizing evasion, def, att, and accuracy on iso's. I'm sure it would have been WAY easier on lvl 9
I slightly agree about Rogue. She isn't terrible but she's just kind of boring to use. Hopefully that will change when her second alt. outfit comes out. I love using Gambit though! He's one of my favorite X-Men so I'm biased but his attacks are fun. I pretty much annhialated the prime sentinels in the heroic fight with his level 6 attack once he had all his kinetic charges. Rogue died...
I slightly agree about Rogue. She isn't terrible but she's just kind of boring to use. Hopefully that will change when her second alt. outfit comes out. I love using Gambit though! He's one of my favorite X-Men so I'm biased but his attacks are fun. I pretty much annhialated the prime sentinels in the heroic fight with his level 6 attack once he had all his kinetic charges. Rogue died...
same thing in my fight. of course gambit was level 6, and rogue was only level 4
Funny, I like Rogue better of the two. The drain skill (ubiquitous power is pretty strong if stupidly named) and the Kree Speed and enhanced stats from Southern Comfort make her an absolute destroyer. She can heal herself (more effectively after SoCo) and really hits hard, faster than Gambit, imho. But I agree, this is a fun straightforward fight.
So, do I have to complete ALL of the tasks incursions, heroic battles, deploys, etc) to get the Iron Fist suits? If so, It will take a LONG time as I will need to recruit a lot of expensive heroes...
Dave.allison.315 wrote: So, do I have to complete ALL of the tasks incursions, heroic battles, deploys, etc) to get the Iron Fist suits? If so, It will take a LONG time as I will need to recruit a lot of expensive heroes...
Yes all of them. Including the challenge modes as I found out yesterday after finishing the tasks.
Rapid Psychosis was not nerfed, Brute was nerfed, they changed Brute's Rapid Psychosis to regular Psychosis. Rapid Psychosis still exists and was not nerfed, certain enemies still have it, therefore Brute was nerfed, not Rapid Psychosis.
There is no time limit, get farming!