The Hell With PvP
am about to fill the same way... but "why so serious?" dont stress your self too much. Its just a game for past time. Im just glad that PVE is getin better unlike some other games in FB.
The Hell With PvP
I agree with u there. My last message was the result of an onslaught of losses that I just got through.
But other FB games I don't even waste my time with unless there an intresting FPS or RTS game other then taht I keep he games I play limited.
Hate so much to admit it, since early on I said contrary, the OP was right, it has indeed wrecked PVP, I have one, as do everyone and their cousains and 2nd cousains apparently, we all have them equipped, and battles now come down to a better draw of synthetic cube turn order.... It is quite an unpleasant PVP season indeed.
and i'll happily counter Egan by saying that, no, not really. PD has given you a chance to get Marksmans' Spotter, a subtle action that doesnt trigger Reality Hacking, and applies targeted, and let loose on the enemy agent....or use powerful multi-hit is like a high level Scarlet Witch-in-a-cube.....irritating, but not invincible, let alone game changing. once you know how, its rather easy to work WITH it and AROUND it.
Warren, My issue is not with the evasion effect, heck, there have been dozens of things prior to that in the game that drew similar complaints, my issue is that the synthetic cube has made PVP into a boring cube vs cube landscape. Who gives a rats rear about the marksman spotter? cube on cube agents is so dull and comes down to turn order more then anything else.
Face it guys it will get nerfed.. funny how you always say no you just have to adjust blah2 but don't realize that almost everyone is using it :| a hero or item that does this almost always gets nerfed. Don't you get it? Ares, Rescue, etc. they were all the same you guys who complain about them whiners are the same haha you always think you're right when in fact you're trying to defend yourself by saying how it will not get nerfed when even you, deep inside, know that it will be :| So yeah, keep reeping the benefits and bang egos with those who cry nerf.. I can count how many people here are sensible when answering jeez You guys really want 80% of matches to have it? :|
Only thing I would have changed about your statement Casmodan was you should have ended it with "Nuff Said"
Well put.
The only thing I wanted out of this season of PVP was Domino. Instead, I got the shaft, because I haven't even managed to break out of Silver. No cube, and the people I faced with the cube... well, by the time the AI thought of using it, I'd taken out both of their heroes, but at the same time, lost one of mine. Really, PVP is for those who pay, and the Cube is the cherry on the cake on top of that. PVE is fun, PVP is a pain, but I 'spose a necessary evil.
wow Casmodan, getting all edgy any rate, I really really dont understand the huge-ass hue and cry. every tier has heroes or weapons which are prevalent. lower levels still have Dr Strange and Human Torch overdoses....the reason i dont think this gear is OP or will be nerfed is the cooldowns and non QAs. Let's face the facts here, Toolkit gave Nimble, Defender and Paragon exploiting Counter as a PASSIVE! stuff like this was bound to get balanced. It still does that now, but only if you it's situational. The Cube, is already quite situatiuonal and balanced. i find myself only using the Light Fantastic mostly, with Atom Smasher on rare occasion. and there is a serious death of excellent weapons. there was SoA, Warbringer Ax and other such staples....and you know, they are STILL prevalent! Ditto for Signpost.
Casmodan, people like you have been cribbing over the 'unfair' gear like signpost since hasn't been nerfed yet, simply because there is no need.
Ares had a passive which was Coordinated Attack and Defense rolled in one, and was attacking with a hemorrhaging attack, which was a bit too much. now, it's much better.
Rescue had team buffing shields and buff removal systems with barely any's much much better now.
Phoenix had a team revival passive, which culminated in a dangerous, damaging, non defendable Psychic attack...this is more balanced now.
Honestly, Rogue, with her Ubiquitous power, and Ability Absorbing Counter is a bit too much....i predict one ability absorb per round with a expiry of her absorbed power in the next few patches.
So no, Cube is fairly balanced, and if it makes the PVP boring, id like to ask you...when was PVP interesting anyway ?
Im the reverse. I was previously at the nerf this thing camp. Now, im at the not OP camp. I got used to fighting agents with the cube and know how to play against it. Im more afraid of Quicksilver than the cube honestly. I do have the cube but I still have to use it this pvp season because my strategy revolves around something else that requires other set of gear. During the previous pvp, I used the Power Cell+Void Generator combo to counter the debuffs of the cube and it worked wonders.