I got Deadpool months ago in celebration of
1. Cosplaying as him.
2. The fact I got Gold in PVP season 1 before I stopped playing until Ghost Rider.
I have no interest in getting any more 135 CP heroes until they are all I have left. Although Psylocke is oh-so-tempting to me, and I'm aiming to get Iron Fist's alt eventually.
My lack of Quicksilver could be remedied when I get one more CP - he costs the same as Nightcrawler, Storm and Phoneix at 48 CP, and I have 47. I'm half-way through researching the Tactician's Trench, so I could get Quicksilver once I get that final CP, then use him in place of Cyclops, and fill the Tactician role myself - seen quite a few Blasters already. Mostly HT.
If I had the gold to spare, I'm two covers away from getting Elektra, but Heimdall has priority. Oh well, looks like I'm gonna be behind the 8-ball even further with my favourite Marvel heroine out-of-reach for a few months.