Hey, Avengers fans! To keep us entertained before Captain America: The Winter Soldier is out, we are going to make a quiz to test people on their Captain America knowledge, but we need YOUR help!
To help out, submit a question that you think would be good in terms of Captain America trivia! Questions can range from comics to movies, but when you submit your question, please include possible choices and then which is the correct answer. For example,
Who are Captain America's parents?
a) Sarah and Joseph Rogers - Correct
b) Katherine and Joseph Rogers
c) Mary and Daniel Rogers
d) Sarah and Stephen Rogers
To qualify to have your question and answer be featured in the quiz, please make sure you format it like the question above including the question, the answers, and which answer is correct. If you think it is necessary, include the number for which universe the trivia pertains to (Earth-199999, Earth-12, Earth-1009, etc.)!
We will be accepting possible questions until the morning of February 28 so GET CRACKING!!
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