Just wondering what you all thought of the Emerald Prism. At first glance it looks terrible. Upon further use and seeing what it does, it actually isn't too bad. I was fooling around in practice battles today, and I battled someone who had it. One round later, his agent had 9 stacks of increased defense and my Shatterstar, the only character on my roster who does 1k base damage on his strongest move, was only doing 100 damage to this guy's agent.
Then I tried it out. And if you are running a pure tank, it is amazing. If you can get the through the first round of combat and heal your tank the second round, then you have a next to unkillable tank. The only problem with this strategy and that every two rounds, your agent has to give up a turn to renew the tank-iness, making it difficult and an unviable method of winning PvP matches efficiently and effectively. If the effect lasted 3 rounds, then this would be extremely useful and people wouldn't be automatically slotting this into their armory. For me, I'm going to keep it in case I ever find a more effective strategy with it.
Edit: Does anyone know if the Emerald Prism Glow can be removed by buff removal effects? It'd be a bummer if it could.