exactly. and if people thought this depiction was sexist imagine if they made her jungle accurate as a topless woman wearing only a loincloth and some native piercings.
It's not that she's naked or showing skin that makes some people say that her depiction is sexist. It's that her only attire mimics western lingerie or swimsuits to conform her to a male sexual fantasy.
It would be more relevant to mention her personality and actions which are those of a strong, smart and independant woman.
I don't think they have another choice in her attire. If they made her show a lot of skin and didn't have clothing that resembled western lingerie/swimsuits, then she would probably have her breast and vagina (the area around it) exposed. While a strong and independent woman probably wouldn't care about that, PD can only go so far with visualizing their characters.
Their aesthetic choices are only limited by their imaginations. (They could've given her Kraven's lion's head jacket if they wanted - they could've dressed her head-to-toe in full leopard print if they wanted). Realism is clearly not their primary concern, so their's really nothing stopping them.
Regardless, like I've said before, the issue of the depiction of women in comics is covered much more thoroughly than we're going to manage here in many places on the interent. A quick google search should be educational for anyone who actually wants to find out more. (Be prepared to see Hawkeye's derierre a lot :p)
Back onto a (hopefully) less divisive topic, how are people (who need to) doing with their farming? (Roulette drops are not liking me right now).
What do people who've unlocked her think of Shanna? Where does she rank among infiltrators?
Oh, Hawkeye Initiative.
Took about two days to farm up the CP for her, because I decided to buy an Amazing Spidey suit just in case something happens to make it more attractive down the line.
She's fun. She's not going to be competitive in PvP, I don't think, because she has some fundamental issues, and the bar for Infil-in-PvP is really, really high. But in PvE, she's a blast. I'm even using her against robots and she's fun.
Her two biggest issues are partners and speed. The first one is the same problem Bleed heroes have, multiplied heavily-- I really want to use someone like Black Knight with another bleeding-based hero, so both of them can be effective. And I really want to use Shanna with another Poisoner. Well. The number of heroes who can apply that without relying on chance or setup time is... Punisher and Omega Sentinel for AoE, Wasp and Spider-Woman for single target. Neither one of the AoE options particularly like their Poison move. The two single-targets do, but Wasp means running double-Infils and LadySpidey means you're running, well, LadySpidey. Not horrible, but not exactly PvP material. Good Agent gear could solve the issue, but I don't know of any good gear with consistent Poison. Hopefully the Spear will solve that.
As an offshoot of this, she's slow. I have to open with her L2 (almost always the Berserker one). Then, on turn two, I can actually get a follow-up off her passive. If I decide that I want to heal things, or put down Flanked (plus Disoriented, which is a really weird combination), then it'll be even longer. She's trying to jam too much into too short of a space.
Compare, for example, Tigra. I have a pretty straightforward pattern. Open with Frenzy, you get AoE bleeds and follow-ups. Then, next turn, Swipe whatever you want, then use Tiger's Fury. You get a follow-up Razor Claws. Turn after, another Swipe, Razor Claw a target. Then repeat.
Shanna doesn't have that kind of pattern, and that invariably is going to result in moves getting left out in the cold. She can help her own progression with the Lingering e-iso (which has been reported as working with Berserker follow-ups; I'll test that later on in the day). That'll spread Poison across the enemy team faster... but she still has to open with that L2 poisoning move.
So basically: I'd love to see her L6 or L9 get Hercules or UJack style A-isos. Would make her a lot more viable and would stretch out her real movepool by a lot, because right now you basically have her functional moves all on the table at level 2.
The Gaseous Glider is AOE poison, with no cooldown (it can also cause Internal Bleeding!). Little problem is the fact no one can get it until by some small miracle it comes in a future lockbox.
Find it funny to have mentioned bleeder "issue". I've been running practise with her and Tigra and have been doing quite well. Most of the top Scrappers haven't given too much resistance. Not even fully levelled yet, but since 7 I haven't lost...
Spitting Viper actually has a use. Rapidly spreading poison. Synergy can be a threesome.
I use pound of cure as my agent's opener for her. It's a wonderful little "pinch" debuff. You can either let it tick down and eat away at you or you can remove it and suffer a nasty chunk. It also lowers some stats. The other great thing is that if AnVe is around, he can force remove genetic alteration for the big hit.
ya anybody with mystic gets screwed too. I don't think it's intended to work that way. It's supposed to never allow the debuff to be placed, not allow it to be placed and automatically remove it. Definitely lazy coding as someone mentioned before.
ya anybody with mystic gets screwed too. I don't think it's intended to work that way. It's supposed to never allow the debuff to be placed, not allow it to be placed and automatically remove it. Definitely lazy coding as someone mentioned before.
Yes, it is also why, when you have Mystic Shroud on, any attack that inflicts Pressure Points will remove Strenghtened/Agile/etc. The game first applies the debuff, which cancels the buff, then removes the debuff. It is quite stupid IMO.