Rating was 1,555, top 3.02%. Rest of this post is rant, sooooo:
Honestly, a lot of doom and gloom of the game lately that I've been seeing. Until Paydom themselves say otherwise, I'll not worry about them.
As far as less people particpating in the tourney goes, I personally think a number of factors contriubte to it. The whole Gold item/SpecOps item fiasco left a BAD taste in a lot of peoples mouth, especially considering the work that Playdom's gone to work with the new pvp set up. That said, I know for a fact that there are people who just started and I was seeing them as high as Vibranium. That's only going to entice newbies into pvp if matchmaking has improved like that to where they're able to get through with a little bit of work, where as I've got some longstanding members that I know hate pvp from it's ealier incarnations and flat out refuse to particpate in it. This has only really been our second PVP under the new rules, with it's own issues that they need to work out, so I say we need a few more rounds of it before saying anything about it.
There's also the fact that this pvp was right on the tail of on the previous one(With specops, and hybrid boxes, and daily missions during Chirmstas/New Years of all times... burn out is real, yo) probably dampered a lot of enthusasim for it, specially with no extra rewards outside of Silver. This isn't even going of the fact that, well, the Marvel fan community gets very uppity with Nova. Marvel Heroes, the diablo style Marvel game, went so far as to not only give early buyers who wanted Nova both Richard Rider AND Sam Alexander, they didn't charge anyone new playing the game the normal price of a huge skin change should they want the other Nova, just to make sure that fans who liked either character would be happy. Playdom didn't do that and went straight for the Shota Nova, which isn't going to make any of the Rider fans happy.
Now, I'm not saying that Playdom doesn't need to improve or make the game more accessable to newer players (They do, on both accounts), but they seem to doing fine currently and we've still got work on PVP to go to further improve on it. With it also only being one half of the game, I'm not too worried.