According to the forms; Hellcat will no longer be the hero reward for the upcoming tournament; instead we're to get Kraven as the reward with Lizard as the lockbox reward.
According to the forms; Hellcat will no longer be the hero reward for the upcoming tournament; instead we're to get Kraven as the reward with Lizard as the lockbox reward.
Future Foundation Doctor Doom alt could still come true.
I would be happy with doom being allowed to work with a teammate. I don't think it would make him OP. or they could change how iso effects him so the stat climb keeps the same build as when your in lower levels. at lower levels his stats are truly double a normal characters but that's lost after you get to higher levels. as to kraven and lizard. I like both I also like how they can both still be used as villians occasionally. I really hope X-men and fantastic 4 go back to marvel property even if fox still makes shows I want them in games again. fantastic 4 hate to say but that last show was a complete and utter bomb.
yeah, I used to see Doom in PvP and he got punked a lot. His stats are unimpressive after you add in all the stat boosts.
I used to use him, but he's not really that good.
yep.. he's annoying when he uses "out of time" but a part from that is very easy to defeat
Goodbye Sinister Six.
They'll probably have other popular Spider-Man villains like Rhino and Shocker to replace them.
Although, they will have to find yet another replacement when Mysterio inevitably becomes a hero.