While the internet was incensed with what they revealed about Captain America, I found something also upsetting.
While the internet was incensed with what they revealed about Captain America, I found something also upsetting.
Nope he was never black.....he was tanner as he is Italian but never black ...although Beetle was changed into Black for a couple of years (not sure if he was ever changed back)
Who Does This Artist Remind You Of?
Well, let's see...
1. largen-than-head biceps - check
2. huge gun - check
3. Lollo Ferrari-style unreal female breasts - check
4. ratlike faces with narrow chins and clear sign of steroid abuse - check
5. deep, sentinel-like eyesockets - check
6. absence of legs and calves unless absolute necessary - check
7. thousand pouches - er... no?
Darn... almost got it... failed the Liefeld Test on the last bullet point. So it is definitely not the Master, but likely a talented disciple.
"Jon Malin is a self taught artist who started his comics career in the Indy market starting with Digital Webbing Presents #1 followed by some cover work and various pin-ups in Image Comics. His first high profile break came when he was picked up by Rob Liefeld and asked to launch the NITROGEN and SUPREME SACRIFICE series"
Wow, what a surprise...
Still, for all the readers sake let's hope this disciple will outshine Master Lowfeld... in a good way.
Found the preview of the issue:
Look at the third page.
Yes. DAT page. Poor Moonstone.
Fixer in his "Disco fever Tony Stark" alt wasn't lucky either. One of his legs got hidden Liefeld-style, while the other one is a McFarlane Clubfoot ™ .
Now that I think about it, Parental Advisory rate kinda makes sense...
Rare day when I think that Bagley is the best artist in a series of variant covers that doesn't include Scottie Young. Congrats, Bagley, for being the only artist asked to do a variant cover of Thunderbolts #1 who knows how to draw.
@Ironspeedknight daaamn... I´m blind cause of page 3. WS boots are drawn by Looney Toones artists.
God that's awful. Truly truly awful. Ugh.
Darn... almost got it... failed the Liefeld Test on the last bullet point. So it is definitely not the Master, but likely a talented disciple.
thats my exact same thought, but in my opinion he deserves an extra point for the 2-shooting-holes guns