Naive question, will the drops increase in value if I have higher levels of consumables researched? I do not know if the frag grenades lvl V (for example) drop because of my level or because of research. Selling things from my inventory is a major source of silver for me and I'm trying to optimize my income.
Thanks for the help
I have noticed a recent trend of people using a topic tag to indicate what they are talking about, while using "This" or "That" in the title and body of their message.
This is very confusing for the people who want to answer your question, as they are not used to looking in the tag. If you are asking about a hero or an item, please use the proper name (e.g. Invisible Woman, Blade of the Guardian) in either the title of your post or the body, rather than just the tag.
It will keep your replies on target and allow the community to serve you better.
Hi, I've got a problem with Research - I've been given a task to complete Entrapment IV but it doesn't seem to exist. Anyone else know what's happening please? I'm assuming the game developers will add it eventually, but in the meantime I can't move on with my tasks.