Xobai wrote:
"Underestimating?" Who's saying anything about how useful he is? We don't even know what he does. On top of that, in-comic powers have little to do with in-game effectiveness. For crying out loud, Hulk is marginal in this game and Mockingbird is a wrecking ball.
Iceman could be the most powerful character in the game. He could also be Vision.
I meant underestimating him in terms of a lot of people are disappointed he was the big announcement like he's some crappy character. Like he just down right sucks. Wasn't talking in terms of the game at all.
And did u say Hulk is marginal really? Hulk is devastating period. Especially if you're using World War Hulk. He smacks chunks off people's health if he hasn't OHKO'd you. He's a great group boss fighter. Teamed him up with Cyclops. Cyke applies Flanked and Hulk went to work. Hulk Up + War Frenzy + Enraged (if fighting scrappers of course) Knocked Kurse smart. Then we're not even talking about how he's actually missing abilities he should have. Like for instance he should have a healing factor. We all know he has one. You may see him bleed but its never for a long time. Then he should be immune to all radiation damage or at least absorb it and take reduced damage from it. Then his speed should be way higher or at least increase with his Hulk Up's. Because we all know Hulk can easily outrun plenty of people in the roster if he wanted to. But playdom wouldn't do that becuz he would be op and he'd get the nerf bat before you could blink. Hulk is marginal......this guy (Xobai) <------ lol. made my day