I appreciate reading about you guys but let's head back to the topic now before we derail this thread.
Anyway Imma properly post some setups I have against Kurse:
Tact: Avengers BW (inf), Satana, Inf Agent with Enchanted Crowbar, Vig Toolkit, Synthetic Cube, Protector of Attilan.
Inf: Kinda don't have DP so I'm stuck with QS and Shatterstar
Blaster: P5 tact Cyke and Heroic Age Hawkeye Tact FTW
Scrapper: Wonderman and Angel ( I don't have CB either)
Bruiser: Thane & Iron Man MK42 Armor (still figuring out a good setup for this I don't run into many bruiser Kurses)
All Agent Gear Setup (except for tact) : Watcher of Attillan, Protector of Attilan, Vig Toolkit, Synth Cube