Faiza's L1 three times and IM's L9 three times, By then you should be able to 1HKO Odin or at least defeat his shield.
Well I think it could be something you would enjoy when the wiki close :P
I wish I was able to do more for the wiki, it's just every time tried to make changed the formatting would be overhelming. Is there any blank spots in wiki that need to be filled?
Have you guys heard of this new game? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh_1966vaIA
MAA shutdown is real, giving out gold on requests, getting 3-digit gold from the quests, possibly a number of players who have already stopped playing already. There's no faking this or coming back from it.
I believe the wiki should be locked/archived excluding the forums. In reality with game gone there's very little we can add to the wiki. Whatever the wiki doesn't already have it will soon be forgotten.
SO36.1 has a reward of 100 gold in the Epic boss Roulette, would it actually be profitable to reroll the roulette?
Also Prequels > VII
There are no prequels.
Yeah, only the sequels and super-sequels. Episodes 1-3 were the best, 4-6 were garbage, 7 is alright.
Also source of the Disney layoffs?
I literally just noticed right now that I got another extra 2k, maybe I'll be able to get everyone up to level 15....
Terrible thing about wikia, if you leave the page open for too long and try to make a post, it won't actually get sent/saved. You have to post fast or type it out some where else.
Welp, we;re half way done with the month. In around two weeks MAA is murdered. The 2k gold is enough to get me all of the alt costumes. Now I'm trying to Iso all of them. I have 20 mil sliver to use on them. But simply buying all of the Iso and equipping them can be time consuming. Seeing how I won't even be using most of the alts, I'll take my time doing this.
Also Prequels > VII
I've wrote to them a few times and have never had any such stories to tell.
Lately, with the gold bug, I've had to write again. A couple of days ago I contacted them regarding the 2k gold they are giving to victims of the roulette bug, and I'm getting the gold. However this post is to share what "Courtney" sent me in response to my thanks for the compensation. I thought it was pretty cool:
"No problem, Kim! I'm glad that I can make this a bit easier on you and I hope that you are able to enjoy your remaining time in the game. If there's anything else I can help you with please be sure to let me know.
Have a Marvel-ous day!
"Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on." - Nick Fury
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Support"
(Yes, my name is Kim and I'm a guy, not even Asian! I blame my mom. Lolz.)
TIL Kim Jong Un plays MAA
Ok, seriously now, if you want Marvel games, there are good ones out there. But if the ending of MAA was really that bad for you, you should stay away from online games. Choose a "finished" game (that often means an offline game, one that you must pay to play and have all its content).
Just let flash die already. Use anything but that.
lol I guess that's possible. Then again I'm not a fan of game development, and neither is the tech industry.Maybe if I was back in college it could be resume-worthy.
I asked them for 100k gold, only got 2k. :/
Otherwise, no.
I could probably remake PvE MAA. Although the graphics would be absolutely horrendous and the game mechanics would be more buggy than it is now.
Someone could start an MAA open source project on github or some repo site and make it close to the game (better than what I could do alone). Although considering Disney owns the IPs, they could shut it down and cause some legal repercussions if they notice it..
In the end, I can bet it will not be the end of the game, just because the story leaves several hooks to the future, Thor's Odin sleep the still active incursions, the hammers still around, etc. everything indicates that there will be continued for another chapter.
I hope you didn't bet money on it.
I don't touch alcool either.
Drugs are a metaphor for long-term iterative games.Which sounds like a lot of FB games. I don't actively look for those games, heck even MAA just fell into my lap. If I wasn't already playing another game like this I would probably look into games on Steam or consoles that have more of a close-ended gameplay.