I'm having a lot more success with Lizard than I am with Winter Soldier. Currently, I'm at five covers for Lizard, and six with a full dupe bar for Bucky... after three-quarter filling it at five, and so on.
I need to redo my team. I've been running Chase/Emma on Offense and Saber/Nico on Defense for about four seasons, and it's time for a change. I just can't decide who to.
On the plus side, this suit should be a relatively easy fix for Playdom, in comparison to the Flight suit (RIP concept). It's a conditional buff, so the code should be checking if the attack is Stealthy, and then enhance the damage. I'm no programmer, though, so while it seems simple to me... it probably isn't.
Easier than the Flight Suit, yes. Easy, maybe not.
Could this be because Inf suits are normally the first suit of the set, meaning a fresh set of coding for another alternate suit option? That's about the only reason I could think of.
Finished it in Gold, annoyingly. Might be time to rethink Sabertooth/Nico as a defensive team, despite all the good they have done me the past four seasons.
Scrapper is the easiest, I'll be totally honest.
I'm finding Kingpin a lot harder to approach than Dracula was, almost entirely because of the counter-class minions.
First one I fought was Tac using Gambit and Hercules. Well, first turn I was down to just agent and Hercules, because the two Scrapper grunts went before anybody else and bam, no more Gambit. Barely managed to scrape together the five percent needed.
Spitfire's passives... she's like Classic Star-Lord and Quicksilver performed the fusion dance, and had a sex-change.
Well, those are the first five characters in the Team Select order. Iron Man through to Colossus.
Anybody else unable to go past the first six heroes for non-specific deploys? I've had no arrow keys to select further down.
Let's see.
Ran into Quicklord in Gold. Must have been a bad Quicklord, because Chase/Emma (Aka: Lockdown Anguish) won it for me. Ran into Age of Interruptions, beat them too. Rocket Jack? Easy peasy.
Then I somehow ran into a guy in Vibranium running Molly/Black Knight/Agent with T-Bolt. UGH that one was painful. I'm glad I've been holding around 950 most of the tournament, wish I could get higher.
I actually have the double ISO Tact suit, I just haven't been running it. Haven't got the right items and EISOs to warrant it yet.
Yeah, I've had reasonable success with simply ignoring him with my current offensive team, Chase/Emma. The only person he really bothers is Chase, and that's when I don't have him killing himself with Mental Anguish by blocking his heal & debuff clear. My defense team, Sabertooth/Nico, is winning again, and I'm sitting comfortably mid-Gold. Landed Hyperion last night, too, which is even better, no need to focus on the lockboxes.
Didn't buy AoU Hawkeye, since his alt was released during the last Spec Ops area, and I was too busy farming for the heroes I needed for that. Not entirely sure if I'll pick up Quicksilver either, since I'm just training him up to level 12 at the moment.
Yeah, that's the downside. Like I said, I'd consider it, but I wouldn't actually do it.
I'd be more inclined to run AoU Hawkeye/AoU Scarlet Witch, with Nocked and Loaded on Hawkeye, but the same thing happens, it's a poor matchup with HAIF. Then again, any strategy built around counters and followups is a bad matchup with HAIF.
Rex Buttz wrote: Lvl. 15 What's the bonus? extra A-ISO? Empowered for special edition suits? Are you going to get Any tougher? Where's the rub?
Bonus is getting the Class Action through a quick action, like the extended set on the Empowered agent suits.
I'll be honest, I'm considering running Hulkbuster/AoU Scarlet, with the Iron Man E-ISO that precounters Tech attacks. Probably won't do it, but it's tempting to run Bruiser IM/Blaster SW with all those effects.
Looks like all the class bonuses have been enhanced. I've had an Infiltrator dodge because of Combat Reflexes, and it looks like CQC now grants reduced damage from follow-ups and counters. Haven't tested the others, yet - training up my level 5 Infiltrators with Taskmaster and a Generalist Agent.
Always just as I establish a training list, a new level comes into play. Well, if that's how it's going to be, fine. I'm fine with level 15, had a gut feeling it was coming from the announcement of 14.
Congradulations. I got booted back to Silver because of a game that crashed before it even loaded. I lost 30 points from that, plus two games to Diamond-ranked teams, so while I woke up to +22, I lost about 45 points in a row on offense due to those issues.
Unfortunately, it wouldn't have made much difference. The enemy agent had the Small Hadron Collider. What do you think he gave Victor the turn that he died? The "always hit" passive, of course. My agent died on Victor's next turn, so even if I'd had Brutal Strike to deal with him, Ant-Man, Nico or Sabertooth, I wouldn't have had the chance to get it off. I'm just going to have to wait and see.
Today was frustrating, since I also ran into a QuickLord team... a Diamond ranked one. And I had just crossed into Gold. Nope. I'm not bothering, tomorrow I'll get back up.
EDIT: I have him, since he helped to get me Ant-Man. If I could be bothered training him, I'd run that very team, although without the SHC, or as effective an Agent loadout.