OK, exit M:AA, enter LoL. Maybe I'll manage to get higher division with playing time directed only to it. The day they will renew M:AA or launch worthy successor, I'll dash back here and start again. But 'till then... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSCiMbMVDLI (turn volume down)
Thanks, guys. It was fun playing MAA and being part of this community. Time to end SO, tie up last loose strings and go home. Thanks again for 4 years of creating this wiki. Take care.
MAA2 reddit boils, more and more people confirms "Final Tournament" announcement, there are also threads about technical support not answering emails. Something's up.
Marhawkman wrote: yeah, it needs more context, what naming convention was used for previous PvP tournaments in MAA2?
They were normally numbered - 01, 02...
TheNameIWantedWasTaken wrote:
IronFrank wrote:
Potkettleblack wrote:
In the end.... it doesn´t even matter.
Nothing really matters...Anyone can see.
Doesn't really matter to me...
TheNameIWantedWasTaken wrote: Especially since you pretty much need Infused Mighty Weapons to win the fight against Odin, and if you don't have the ch11 epics unlocked the isos are miserable to farm.
I used Bruiser Hulkbuster, Electro and Agent with Golden Sextant, no II-Mighty weapons. Odin went out like a... child.
Ehh, it really looks like the end of MAA. They give us too much. Sad, especially since PD didn't really end Incursion arc.
Epic Boss is good too :) better bring big guns
Agent Wildrider wrote: She-hulk is not usable (or even mentioned so far in dialogues).
It's because she's running wild with her hammer :) She's mini-boss in M2.
Epic Boss (M2) deploys: Spider-Girl and Falcon. I'm not sure if there is third hero deploy, I could have missed it. Mini-bosses: Absorbing Man, Skirn. Boss - The Leader. Epic Boss - The Leader.
New A-Iso (Energy): Gamma Charged - equipped Energy attacks adds Radiation Fatigue
Ok, Group Boss fight finished. Infiltrator Zzzax is solo, he has Transcendent, passive giving him Obsolete Tech and Remove Buff on all attacks, and stacking received damage reduction and dealt damage increase. He's immune to electricity and his attacks and effects are Radiation type. He can remove debuffs, place Generalized and absorb class powers. However, he doesn't hit that hard and Fixer's mines can destroy him :) (100-0 with 2 Blast Mines).
PS I got E-Iso too :D Strong Will E-Iso-8: Strong Willed - resistant to psychic attacks.
Aaaand... nope. BK just have dodged Rutamarroth -.-
Because he is mostly annoying, not great. Most players have means to avoid him and decimate other team members, and he cannot win 3vs1. Also, AI is an idiot and likes to go into Blood Curse mode on round 2 = no more dodges.
Nope. He can block and counter Stealthy and Subtle attacks too. It's pure luck if you succeed to Corner him or not. Also, all anti-Protect and anti-Avoidance effects works on BK, of course if you manage to put them on him first.
Fixer, someone you find useful (I use Iron Fist), and Agent (any class, I like Inf. Of course don't use class that Dracula is strong against) with Charge of the Witches (Task 20) - Breakdown on all allies' next attack, Golden Heavy Ion Beam and Sabretooth's Claws (and two items you like, I go with Rutamarroth and Mandible). Blast Mine did over 800k damage :D
EDIT: Fun fact, Breakdown is for next ROUND, not next attack :D (and only OE attacks. Description states that it lasts for next turn, but QS can apply Breakdown on both turns). Take someone with multiple turns and watch the world burn.
EDIT 2: 1kk damage. Breakdown from CotW procs on mines, too :D
Fine. But he said that, for example, BK's absorb procing on Subtle "isn't a bug", I was asking about it too. Come on, is it so hard to admit "Yes, we've blown it. I don't know if and when it will be fixed."? Very helpful help.
"Hi there,
These sorts of things aren't actually bugs. Many of the heroes in Avengers Alliance have specific debuffs that they are immune to or specific attacks that don't affect them the same way that they affect others. Having said that, I can't make any promises, but I can pass along to our team that you don't think these particular immunities and abilities should be in the game, if you'd like.
As well, if you have any other questions for us, please don't hesitate to ask.
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Support"
PD reply. I understand Dracula's immunity to Staggered, I really do. But I don't understand ASW's immunity to it. Nor that Black Knight can absorb and evade Catastrophic and Subtle attacks or buffs (I asked about BK too).
Playdom doesn't give a flying feather about bugs, it seems.
Marhawkman wrote: True Strike doesn't bypass accuracy checks. It bypasses evasion abilities. Check your chance to hit.
Staggered should nullify evasion. I've been playing this game since SpecOps 5, I know the thing or two about True Strike :D That's why I've said what I've said in last comment - "Or whole Staggered effect was defied and evasion came into equation".
@Kimjo42 I've been playing PvP today (practice, for CO) and Staggered ASW have kept evading attacks like there's no tomorrow. I think now it's something about Staggered, not Dracula. I will send ticket to PD, we'll see what they will say.