Thanks for the answers. Gonna miss the game and this community that grew up because of it.
Esspecialy with the weapon being the Screaming Cannon. Fits much more with Songbird than Beetle.
Mistk Knight- Generalist or Tactician.
EDIT: Fan-made passives removed by User:BlazeWu Please be reminded that fanworks are not allowed here. There is a M:AA fanfic wiki.
I posted a speculation about lockboes it's out of date but has some characters that havent bene lockbox yet but are mentioned here (like Blizzard)
I like all the speculation. I expect alts for most of the main heroes too (Hulkbuster IM please). Which is why I've been hoarding CPs for a bit.
If they want to stay close to the movie (which they didnt do for the GOTG SO) then we'll probably see Ultron and his drones along with Strucker and Hydra. We'll also go against brainwashed heroes (Hulk, SW and QS) . MAybe Klaw as well if a mission has us going to Wakanda to head off Ultron from stealing more Vibranium.
If they're not stying close to the movie they could use the SO to introduce more of Ultrons "Family". We already have his sons (Vision and Victor Mancha). They could introduce Jocasta and Alkhema.
Either way I dont see any hero in the movie that isnt already in the game. I agree that Lang will probably be held until the Ant-Man movie tie in. Unless there is a cameo we dont know about we'll be seeing someone that's not in the movie. My bet's on Jocasta but who knows. They could throw a complete curve and give us someone else rom Avengers AI or another android hero like Jim Hammond.
Announced on the twitter feed as a NON group boss for the next SO.
And now for geeky speculation...
Since he isnt the group boss I have to think Sutur will be. And with Angela as the PVP hero comming up that leaves Beta Ray Bill, Balder or She Thor as the reward hero. If we have a Asgard themed lockbox maybe Executioner. I would also love a Thor alt with his new arm or Jarnbjorn.
And...I gues they were talking about Sam. Oh well
I'll join the chorus or "Boo...Kid Nova..I want the real Nova." Maybe eventualy we'll get Rider.
This type of thing happens each time they temporarily offer a previously locked item unfortunately. If you unlocked it then when the sale ends they're all locked. Happened to me with Sunfire. They will go back to being unlocked for you in time.
In this article they drop a hint about a new hero...
" Would it be safe to assume she might be the shortest hero so far? Justin Woods: She and [SPOILER] are probably pretty close, although I don’t know if we should say that, because [SPOILER] may or may not be out before Molly Hayes! I don’t know how that shakes out. But yeah, she’s definitely one of the shortest characters. More on" Unless there is a character I'm missing, I think Puck is going to comming up. What better way to usher in the Winter than an Alpha Flight SO. :)
Thank you. And this daily mission doesnt have any epic boss, just Mordo as the Mini and Mephisto as the main boss.
Has anyone actualy gotten a Snowball from the Daily Mission? I 5 stared todays and didnt get any.
I am against this. |
Let them be
Beside this, his passives are kinda great! It looks like some kind of Captain Britain - Avalanche fusion!
Looks like all his actions are names after Hard Rock and Metal songs. Feel the Thunder-Blue Oyster Cult, Dance of Death-Iron Maiden, Walk All Over You-AC/DC Show No Mercy-Slayer.
That being said they could throw us a complete curveball and somehow it's Bucky! (I kid, I kid - but not about the curveball)
Edit: leaning towards Crystal because of Ronan being in the game already. It'd just make for a compelling story >.>
Me too. Wouldnt be suprised at something Agents of SHIELD related first though. Absorbing Man has been announced for the game and he'l also be in the first episode of Season 2.
I like the ideas. Unfortunately, per the link in the prior post, we're not getting any new content this week. Playdom also said that all the Circle of 8 members (Besides Sin) are going to be heroes and not the same ones that were in the comics (so no Grey Gargoyle or Juggernaut for the story). Wouldn’t be surprised if they eventually have the comic Worthy costumes as alts in the future but I got the impression it wont be for a while.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they did and at the least revoked the Gold. Its different from the Silver bug they had a while ago. Free silver is an annoyance. Free Gold is a hit to their revenue stream. Something like this happened to a friend playing Clash of Clans. They reset his account to what it was like before the bug. So he was still able to play but lost all other advancement that he had in the meantime.
They didnt re-release them for sale in the store but at one point in the last year they did include them in some roulettes (PVP) I think. The roulette had 3-4 diferent lockboxes.