As the top said, i´m getting close but 4x in a row no luck so far. Any helpfull ideas.
made it to adamantium, in the beginning i attacked and later when i faced 300 opponents i gave up and defended :P
I get opponents same level higher and lower, the only thing that I think is weird is that when I lose I lose over 20points and when winning everything is under 20 and a lot even under 10 points.
Even worse tried to get reallied... is that a word.
That didn't even work.
As the top said, i´m getting close but 4x in a row no luck so far. Any helpfull ideas.
My internet was quite bad lately :P I he beat me twice in 4 minutes, I had one battle myself lost one to him for 20 pts, then I had another lose against same guy for 16 points.
I got beaten by one person within 4 minutes. My armory is the same but my heroes ratings are higher. But a loss is always possible.
Attacking Iuse HA Hawkey and Elektra, bleeding attack + multiple sometimes. Agentwears SoA, CCube, Staff (debuffs are less damaging forgot name.) and Batstone Predator as last attack it saved me couple of times. Or weaken opponents for Elektra's assasination.
Defence is now PepsiPatriot Wolverine (inf) and Agent w/ Tact emp.Armor. SoA, Mistic, Cube and Sheppards Staff. but it's still not perfect.
I did the normal simulator parts, and Shanna made act the pressence in my team already. There a new quest for the poison samples and savage weaponry, I beat a boss and one chgallenge but nothing changed.
Hope this is a little better explained now.
What do I have to do with the new simulator stuff, I'm kinda lost here :P.
Every time I win a match the game stopsand makes me restart, now I'll never have a chance to continue the Shanna project. Anyone else has this problem or a solution.
Thanks, Anti-Venom is in. Now doing Hybrid over andover for the sandmanboxes.I will keep my patience...
Anyone reallyworth it, I keep winning CP over 225right now. Keeping 135 for RR. And maybe 90 for Shanna. Thinking about other costumes maybe.
Stan Lee :P hope Namor or Silver Surfer
I kinda miss the special ability in the weapon...? You do the Tamper action first and then do a little more damage or do I miss something.