I don't have it installed anymore but I check here just hoping. I loved this game and have all characters, but refuse to start over on FB where they are years ahead now.
I check here every few weeks just to laugh at new threads like this.. We all wish it back, but it won't be updated. At least get a refund and report the app.
I'm going to try to get my $10 back. haha, sad they couldn't keep our platform going. It's been fun
I was hoping for a large 1 year anniversary update with General power armor or something.. but after a quick search it was released Oct. 2,2013.
My fingers are still crossed, hoping for the best.
^Exactly. The only reason i'm still playing is that i am close to level 300.
Not BSQS, but we do have WWII Cap
Oh yeah, forgot about that.
Wouldn't it be Phoenix 5 Colossus? P5 Cyclops, Classic Storm, P5 Magik, Beast (sort of epiphany), Rescue, P5 Phoenix( does that work?)
Lvl 270 Ada 2043 0.33% .. Can't wait for a new Spec-ops to push to 300
Yeah, I haven't dropped any as you probably know from attacking me. I fought Krazyk a few times, it was a huge difference
I use Fantomex and X-23 for quick battles. Tact Power Armor Agent has Nuero, QJ, Rocket pistol, and WBA.
If there is a phoenix(70% of the time) or blaster.. I either use rocket pistol or nuero to re-roll to get optic-camo depending if mind link was run. Then i'l do QJ. Fantomex will do L1 or L6(if need stealth) on blaster then do L2(if one or no infiltrators). X-23 always L2.. rarely a round two.
Just got to keep attacking, it's tedious but only for today. On a lighter note, I Disoriented an agent with Fantomex who attacked it's teamate Phoenix. Which then set off mental coordination which made Psylocke attack and Phoenix attack herself. Haha
No problem here on Android..
I hate playing with Thor. He's not the worst like the ones mentioned above, but he sucks.