The heroes info template look weird on mobile, but still readable. Desktop-wise, recompling/re-publishing the page should work. Black Knight should be fine now.
And the best place to farm Command Points in Mission 12.2 of Season 1, defeat both the Boss (Baron Zemo) and Epic Boss (Viper), you need to deploy Kitty Pryde to access Viper. Then repeat to get CP the fastest way. Just fyi in case you aren't sure.
Why do you think you need suggestions? Is it because you lose too much on defence?, You can't win on offence, thanks to nasty heroes or great stat difference? These would help a lot in pinpointing the suggestions you want too.
To better use heroes, you need to know heroes and agent gears well, as well as how debuffs and buffs affect each other and the hero. E.g. Don't use Nul, Breaker of Worlds on a team with Magic Warding (from Black Knight, Doctor Voodoo or Agent's Skeptic & Hexenjagger). The wiki helps a lot in that.
You can refer to the builds and especially the commentaries in User blog:Potkettleblack/ISO - How I Have Iso'd My Heroes and User blog:Goldencahill/How to Empower/Augment All Heroes. Hero Reviews for even more commentaries.
The Tac Armour is fine, but make sure you pack sth like Laser Spotter or Manvantara to remove the 50% dodge from Infiltrators, like Enchantress.
The Bruiser Empowered Armor seems ok, unless Blasters can one shot your team, then you need a tactician protector. Iso-8-wise, Iso-8 contribute very little to hero/agent's stats in PvP, so I would go for an extreme build like 8 Sturdy (Tanking) or 8 Strong (Offence). If you wish to look for an balanced build: User blog:BlazeWu/Agent Isotope-8 Builds- Strengthen the most-used character in M:AA#Bruiser
And there's no point asking here, no one here will know
Silk would be a better investment in Gold than the Horseman Set as honestly, since they adjusted the percentage of Opportunist and Pressure Points, it is harder to get multiple debuffs to play with No Mercy. It is a great set, but not worth the standard price of 192 Gold.
The Add Me page here is Find Allies btw.
It won't, you cannot get more than 60 energy in a normal game.
Try refreshing the page, and make sure your energy is not maxed at 60. Then, maybe you can clear your internet cache.
If problem still persist, approach Disney Interactive Support at
Should be accurate, it added correctly to my bonus. Maybe PD want to increase the diff between gold and free armory.
You do know people complain about how Synthetic Cube's Reality Hacking passive is more than 20% right, especially if many attacks miss consecutively. So with Combat Reflexes at a higher theoretical chance than Cube, it is logical for situations of consecutive attacks missing to occur.
The proc rate of Combat Reflexes is 50% like a typical evasion buff. With so much complaints about the 20% of Cube, 50% is a lot harder to hit. All Infiltrators should have similar proc rates, not just Crimson Cowl.
I personally ran HA Hawkeye, Kate and Modern Star-Lord to overcome that with Pinpoint Target (Never got a miss once I apply it, maybe I am wrong) or Star-Lord's Staggered from L2 which will make sure that 50% become 0.
As you can see from the thread, nobody mentioned Anti-Venom as he do not protect in anyway. Hence, he don't receive as much attacks as Wonder Man or other protectors, diminishing the use of the Eiso8. Hence, Wonder Man would be my suggestion.
U know how Rocket and Union Jack works? The onslaught of Follow-Ups after 1 counter/follow-up. Yeah, RocketNoir works the same way.
In the past, she was used with Omega Sentinel. More recent iterations include Future Foundation Invisble Woman and Heroic Age Iron Fist. She's a protector and combining with another support hero would give your opponent a nasty time trying to break through the strong defence. These were all mainly for AFK.
Personally, I would run almost any other hero other than her in offence as you want to attack and win quickly to save yourself time. So if you insist, I would compensate the lack of attack with a fragile but strong hero like Havok. I also see potential in a build with Heimdall, as Heimdall provides damage and make sure Rescue protect the team better with no stealth.
I think he is just saying he's not knowledgeable and do not wish to express an opinion, but support whatever the relevant admins support. Not asking you to do anything else
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