My game has had a period of not loading any fights at all,but it seems to be working now.
Im late doing spec ops because of it but just done the task requiring 4 mini boss can get three in one fight if your at the sentinels in mission 2
I thought it had got harder too, then wondered if it was due to fighting l1 characters against the ai at l167 like my agent.
It was a proper win for you, your x23 got berserker rage and her second attack was enough to kill 2 of my team in the second round.then phoenix killed my agent with a psibolt straight after.
I have drawn you a lot this week Viktor, I just got you again but you have witch instead of x23 now, that battle lasted a bit longer due to witches chaos need to get white crown phoenix you will get more rebirths maybe that will make a difference for your afk
Just came across a bug...the task requiring a team up with hank and ironman.i didnt need hank, I just did it with iman and wasp, im not at a battle with hank yet.also the next task named fix it fired off aswell straight after lol whats the req for that one anyone?
What? Nobody clocked the numbers were different? Nobody did the maths? I could of told you this last month but figured it was common knowledge lol
I think shes got a use, her sacrificial power helps keep agent alive and phoenix.handy when phoenix is going to die 1 round off cooldown from pfire
I found that made more crashes tho HK, and more than half the gold I didnt get anyway, il stick to google cards lol
I running a full demon set with phoenix and valk, havent done more than daily 5 so far tho, il push the last 8 days again, too busy seeing more afk wins but also more losses than previous pvps it must be busier haha
You lucky
50 pounds.Bought a few 64g items and 2g bits but still sitting on 300g thanks to the old roulette bug.Remember when it just popped up every reset but you never got the gold or cps? Lol if you pressed quick enough to close the advert screen and gifts page before the roulette came up you got the gold and it still came up next reset...Who else got some?
A couple of crashes probably server load, done my daily 5.started 800 won five rating 743 lol
I missed most of the pvp so it was diamond for me this time.while the suns shining im out selling icecream so no play time left can all take points off me next time....:)
I have a rooted samsung tab 2, I didnt lose my game when mine was updated but it did load differently the first time playing the game later like it does when you delete the app info and reload the game.
Rotn is good for getting the demons to explode, you can do it on any flying demon but avoid bleeding or soulfire etc or the demon dies without doing its last rites move.has to be 0 health for it to proc.