Just fought Domino... was she available like a couple of the others were for purchase? She was already level 7 as well if that matters. if someone would be so kind to explain how to post a SS for me I would provide it.
Just fought Domino... was she available like a couple of the others were for purchase? She was already level 7 as well if that matters. if someone would be so kind to explain how to post a SS for me I would provide it.
So isn't it usually about 12-48 hours before the end of a PVP season that PD drops new weapon/item? Also excited to see who the new character is so maybe we get a hint at the new SO.
Brock -
Yeah I was talking about the second one...
I am 38,,, I don't know if that I do is actually play or just "mash keys"... my lack of Ada finishes kind of leads me to believe the latter.
Lvl13X, usually finish in Vib, have 2A and about 75 G. I do not have a complete demon set, I usually run QJ, SS,WBA, BoG.
Should I buy Laser Cutter? I would have the complete stark set at that point.
I keep some of it and sell most of it. Even if you could slot it the Armory bonuses are horrendous for the most part so why bother? Some things I have that might be useful later reforged.
Huh, I always figured that "Attack" assisted you when you were attacking and "Defense" did the same for your AFK...
Do you get any more armory slots after lvl 150? I farmed enough claws to put in for those slots but if you do I will have to find something else.
Yeah I was just checking to see if he applied the same debuffs as listed on his page here.
Brocklee- Iron Man doing all the things? Iso decay and bleeding yadda yadda ?
Sim- So the MK42 is applying the things it says on the page here?
I got in for a second, they had Reset the PVP, but no indication of whom it would be.
That, the next 90CP Character, or upgrades..