I'm sure a lot of person have their theory about what's coming.
The movie has raised staggeringly high expectation and is expected to dwarf the previous movies box office-wise. So I expect PD to raise their own bar (see GOTG SO : 1 hero, 5 pair of alts, 4 villains, + simulations.
So i'm expecting that :
- 9 pairs of alts (Quicksilver, Witch, Vision, IM, Thor, Cap, BW, Hawkeye, Hulk)
- 2 villains Klawe, Ultron (movie)
The Iron Man alt could be interesting with a possible HulkBuster mode switch.
I have no idea who could be a reward hero, i used to believe it would be Victor Mancha or Jocasta but that wont happen. Maybe the reward will be an alt.
Storywise they will have their own take. Ny bet :
M1 : London under attack by Ultrons -> Strike teams.
M2A: Klaw and the gorillas hunting for tech and vibranium in Wakanda (for Hydra)
M2B : Strucker kidnapped Wanda in the Savage land experimenting her magic.
M3 : Show down vs awakened Ultron in NYC.