Disney is a company focused on making poor games for kids. Now I'm just waiting that the developers release all the heroes recruitable except the lockboxes ones ( and let's see if they truly do that ).
It's not PD fault but instead Disney fault that it's used to launch poor and horrible games justo for kids who ask parents to spend rivers of money on those games. Now on android purchases are not available but there isn't any message for the players. And yes PD not even unlocked alts and heroes. I contacted them asking if they could GIVE ME the locked heroes ( pvp heroes that I couldn't get and they never made them available to those players ) and they said NO. I'm pressuring them to give me hose heroes but for now I'm waiting for a response.
So I finally got my response from the support. I told them that they should bring mMAA back to the active and explained why and all that stuff a pretty good write in my opinion and they answered me that they will pass my feedback to the developers and to try out MAA2. The interesting thing here is that they took 3 days to reply to me and that's not usual. Well let's just hope that they bring mMAA back to the active.
Now just for curiosity on the iOS do you have any banner in the welcome back screen?
Well I'm waiting for the support reply. But this game as so much potential if they have done things right this would be pumping. MAA2 is surely a not good game and the only games that I play now on my tablet( since I don't have a pc to run games ) are CoC and CR and of course mMAA. The game even without content is addicting and fun even though it has a lot of crashes and bugs. Really hope that they'll do some kind of relaunch and give the right support.
Yeah I know it's hard to believe but that's what they told me. Anyways I have to say that mMAA without content is more entertaining than MAA2 without content. They both have nothing and I enjoy more playing mMAA. I'll send a ticket to the Support asking if there's any possibility that mMAA returns again to the app store so that can new people can download the game and to force the "developers " to make new content.
So I've finally finished my conversation with the support and here's all the info I could get:
•There is still a development team working on mobile platforms;
•That team is focused on fixing bugs so that's why we don't see any content on the mobile platform.
•The game can still receive version updates and they will show up on the app store.
Basically useless information in my opinion and I just wanted that they would rerturn to this version very quickly and start launching real content. In the meantime MAA2 is also dead funny thing.
Well guys on Android we just got a new brand spec ops so I'm very sorry if you don't get anything. Let's just wait that Disney Interactive ( no longer PD since a long time ) launches something.