Next PvP hero will be A-Bomb. No artwork yet.
Posted on MAA Insiders Twitter feed.
MAA Insiders @MAAInsiders No art for A-Bomb yet but we're working hard on the next update!
Next PvP hero will be A-Bomb. No artwork yet.
Posted on MAA Insiders Twitter feed.
MAA Insiders @MAAInsiders No art for A-Bomb yet but we're working hard on the next update!
Fenris90 wrote:
Yes, be careful with CP till we know what the SO will need. According to the LA Times article stated above it will be part of a July 9 push across the MGU so you do have some time.
Luckily I can start farming seriously again, already got the Spiders.... Need to work, only got 41 CPs...
The question is: all at once on July 9 or, for example, starting from that day one updated game each day?
In the last one, Age of Ultron release, most of the games came out at about the same time. If I remember correctly MAA had a bug and came out a day later, but my memory could be bad on that.
Wesker79 wrote: Why do you all feed trolls?
Delicate balance. Say nothing and they keep talking. Warn them and you are feeding them and they do more. Either way, they keep up the junk. So better to warn and kick. Warnings have to be done to be fair. Many times we just want to kick, trust me.
Now off topic so to get back on topic...
Yes, be careful with CP till we know what the SO will need. According to the LA Times article stated above it will be part of a July 9 push across the MGU so you do have some time.
Azucrinaldo wrote:
I don't recognize that, where is it from?
Thomas the Tank Engine
Commander Cody 19 BBY wrote: You Potkettleback should not called be Moron I protest that I am a human being and should be treated as such. First you called me a troll that was banned several times even so your own information confrimed that I was active since June 5th.
slang An unintelligent person; an idiot; a fool.
If you say that MAAInsiders is equal to MAASpoilers then you are a fool and fit the definition. You are quoting sites other than official ones and that is against the rules. While it is true June 5th is the start day of this account, what PKB has said is that you are acting like a troll we have had before. It is called a sock-puppet account and your account seems to be like it. Please give us reason to believe it is not or else a ban may have to take place.
@SpaffWaffle, try using a distress call after Kraven does his playing in the dirt. 90% of the time for me he hits the distress call with his stuff and you are free and clear to go on. War Pepsi also does a number on the three of them is he is l14 and properly IOSed
You might take some time to use your profile page and of the hero display templates from to let us see what heroes (and/or alts) you have.
A general rule of thumb for me has always been heroes before alts. Break it for an alt that is great, not just I like the hero.
Fenris90 wrote:
Wolverine was just the latest try.... A decent team that doesn't include 135 or 200 CP heroes? started playing late and I've had bad luck with farming ....
Farming is not so much luck as it is time. Also, where are you farming? 1.12.2 is the best spot, statistically, for the least energy. When I get bored with it I will move to others to attempt them. You are level 160 but how much have you finished? Have you 5 stared every mission in season 1 to get those CP?
Brock Lee wrote: The comics were created by a bunch of straight white dudes, and for the most part, that was also the target audience, so that's what the character base reflected. That's the same reason most of the females are D-cup+. For all the continuity nit-picking that happens, nobody ever complains about the women that go into battle wearing little more than their underwear.
Argument invalid. I would not call them D-Cup+ by any stretch of the imagination.
D-Cups came along in the late 70's to 80's.
Comic code would never let you draw them like you describe in the 70's to early 80's.
Yet I enjoyed them without all the sex. A good story is what will sell a comic. Sex will sell it for a while, but not forever.
Digifiend wrote: This was posted an hour ago:
And Spec Ops have dropped at this time of day before. I'd check seven minutes from now (8pm UK time).
We cannot see you link as that is a private FB group.
Since they are a private group, they would be guessing just like anyone else who says the know the start time.
Agree with previous poster. Do note, however, that running both bays at the same time drains silver. You will go through reserves fast. You look solid on silver so that would not be too big a hold back, but that mountain will become a mole hill real fast.
Jonnythegamemaster wrote: What time do SO's usually start? (Time in GMT if possible)
No real set time for them to start at all. I am central US and I have seen them start in the early and late afternoon and mid evening as well. You are either 5 or 6 hours ahead of me so I would say your evening through overnight.
Never seen one start in the morning in my time zone.
Xobai wrote:
There are no "real" Avengers. Comic books aren't real.
Sorry to burst your pretend bubble.
Next you are going to tell me Santa Clause is not real, or the Easter Bunny. How dare you besmirch my beliefs?
While confirmed for Facebook version, this thread does deal with iOS and nothing confirmed for them as far as I know.
No hero, Hulkbuster Uniform, once and only once uniform for SO. Interesting.