If I may ask, what is this game? After a quick scan of this fandom, I found it interesting, and want to know more, mostly so I can decide if I truly want it. Though if it's what I think it is, 100% yes
@NapalmDawn How can I play the game, then? I know it's not on Android, but is there an emulator on PC? Is the Redux a PC game?
@NapalmDawn In that case, how can I?
Can I play the Redux version on Android? I've seen videos of it on YouTube, and I want to experience the full thing. Or at least, the thing as fully as it can be restored
Oh. I thought it was an upcoming game.
If I may ask, what is this game? After a quick scan of this fandom, I found it interesting, and want to know more, mostly so I can decide if I truly want it. Though if it's what I think it is, 100% yes