BLACK BOLT! What?! I never expected to see the Inhumans as playable heroes. I thought they'd be considered OP. :3
Ares!!! :D Finally. I've been spamming different forums with him! >_<
I know he hasn't been mentioned or hinted, but Venom (either Anti-Venom or Flash Thompson) would be a cool addition. :)
Thank you. I guess I can exit then. :)
@OmarFPG: Thanks a lot. And my apologies to everyone for sending you constant notifications. LOL!
Thanks Techparadox. :)
@OmarFPG: Thanks for the reply. But bare with me on this, I created my friend's account a few Spec Ops back for him simply to farm the daily 50 ISO-8 for Spec Ops a while back so I have his info to get into his account. He just recently started enjoying to play and so now he's a daily player. However, I went into his account to farm the ISO and since he also askes me to play for him and make changes that I think will benefit him I went into his Spec Ops to plays. He in fact had a group boss fight in his map so I quickly logged out and logged back into my account but I still saw no group boss Ultron on his map. I was a level 122 at the moment and he is a level 33. I really don't understand why I can't see his group boss on my account.
Random questions: Is it possible to complete task 15 by battling the group boss solely on one ally's map or does it need to be 3 seperate allies? Also, does anyone have an estimate as to the highs and lows in level range required to fight an ally's group boss? Clearly it isn't pssoble to fight an ally's Ultron if they are drastically lower and higher than you level wise. Any idea on the tier. Thanks.