Former Playdom artist Kelly Hamilton did two new artworks in MAA style due commission. So, if you have the money, please pay her to do Galactus and Silver Surfer sprites. =P
What's on your mind?
Former Playdom artist Kelly Hamilton did two new artworks in MAA style due commission. So, if you have the money, please pay her to do Galactus and Silver Surfer sprites. =P
Hey everyone. You know what day it is? That's right, it's 08/10/2017 (or 10/08/2017 whatever)! Which means nothing specific... But exactly one week ago marked one year that Phyla-Vell failed to contain the energy of whatever and destroyed the entire universe. I think...
Hello all. The Saviors of the Multiverse project that is going on is nlooking for artists and graphic designers for placeholder graphics and the like. Please see this link to reddit for more information
Hi all! I don't think i'd imagine ever having anything worthy to post here again but this could definitely be it. A dev over on reddit is attempting to restart the game in an offline mode so that people can play it again. Who knows how successful it might be but it's definitely worth the shot. You can find out a lot of the info here
I've asked the dev to do a Q/A with him to find out more about the project. I'll keep you guys abreast of any info I find out
Hello, I’m Tim, Fandom’s Director of Technical Support. I’m here to inform you that on the 14th of February, Fandom will remove the Top 10 List feature from our wikis.
The removal of the feature will mean that previously created Top 10 Lists will be deleted from your community and be irretrievable. As this community has a higher-than-usual amount of Top 10 Lists, I wanted to give you advanced notice so you can determine if you want to save any lists and, if so, copy the content elsewhere on the wiki.
Please know that the decision to remove any feature from our platform was not easy. In this case, Top 10 Lists were not very widely used by our wikis, with only a couple thousand being created in the five years we’ve had this feature. That may sound like a lot, but consider Fandom has over 340,000 communities. Additionally, many of special features Top 10 Lists had, such as voting, ranking, and the list creation form was prone to break due to older coding standards and would not have been easy to modernize considering the uniqueness of the platform.
At the end of the day, Fandom decided we would rather invest our time and resources into newer content tools or repairing tools that are much more widely used. Sorry that I cannot do more - Top 10 Lists were, in fact, a feature I designed - but I hope this explanation helps understand Fandom’s rationale. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Since this thread reached it's limit of 500 posts, I created a processor of that thread for any who wants to continue the discussion.
Really, who knew there even was a limit?
I have enjoyed his writing immensely on this project, and have enjoyed being FB friends with Alex for nearly the entire run of the game.
As writen on an official page, both games are shuting down, link.
Since i played both games for a long time... I just don't know what to say...
...just my 2 (maybe last) cent
The link above shows the image that people who use hackiong software are recieving. A complaint that has been discussed for 4 years has finally been taken into consideration by the devs.
Hackers beware, they wil look fo you, they will find you and they will ban you from PVP
Cul Borson, and Odin!
Patch Notes:
Aaaand you know the details about it already....
Golden Sextant is the Challenge reward. Mokk shows up as the Chapter reward, I won't be start the Chapter yet so I have no clue about Greithoth.
So, MAAInsiders revealed today a list of heroes required for Heroic Battles in Chapter 11 and their respective E-Isos.
Ant-Man's really made me curious.
The Black Knight and Ghost Rider Worthy art are posted on twitter @MAAInsiders. Fingers crossed for a new chapter soon!
Yesssssssssssssss, i got 10 lbs already 1 cover ha.. guess pvp is here too
News from yesterday--Beetle is now evergreen, 135 CP or temporarily on sale for 50 Gold.