Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 1 BlueEffect Icon 023
Attack Buff
 Attacks ignore the defense stat
 Attacks do not bypass shields
Related / Similar Effects:
Ignore Defense - Damage ignores enemy's Defense stat; Attacks penetrate Shield statusesIgnore Defense - Damage ignores enemy's Defense stat; Attacks penetrate Shield statuses
 Ignore Defense
Brittle Armor (2 rounds) - All attacks against this target ignore defenseBrittle Armor (2 rounds) - All attacks against this target ignore defense
 Brittle Armor
Melt Armor (2 turns) - All attacks against this target ignore defenseMelt Armor (2 turns) - All attacks against this target ignore defense
 Melt Armor
Attack Buff
Effect BG 1 BlueAdamantium
 Attacks ignore the defense stat
 Attacks do not bypass shields


Icon Name
Cybernetic Blade Cybernetic Blade
Dark Edge Dark Edge
Grim Mace Grim Mace
Hobnail Hobnail
Kuzuri Kuzuri
Laprov Laprov
Laprov! Laprov!
Nascent Blade Nascent Blade
Relentless Rapier Relentless Rapier
Retractable Claw Retractable Claw
Vigilante Toolkit Vigilante Toolkit
Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.

Retractable Claw Retractable Claw
Warbringer Axe Warbringer Axe


Name Ability
Elsa Bloodstone Icon 1
Elsa Bloodstone-Tea Time Tea Time
Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.

Elsa Bloodstone-Gravedigger Gravedigger
Fixer Icon 1
Blast Mine - Surrounded by blast explosives; Does not detonate on counter-attacks or follow-ups; Triggered Explosion gains Paragon Exploiter, Exploit Attrition, and ignores the defense statBlast Mine - Surrounded by blast explosives; Does not detonate on counter-attacks or follow-ups; Triggered Explosion gains Paragon Exploiter, Exploit Attrition, and ignores the defense stat
 Blast Mine
Hawkeye Icon 2
Hawkeye-Sure Shot Adamantium Arrow
Hawkeye-Arrow Volley Adamantium Volley
Loaded Quiver - Randomly pulls out arrows that cause a variety of effectsLoaded Quiver - Randomly pulls out arrows that cause a variety of effects
 Loaded Quiver
Adamantium Arrow - Next attack will fire adamantium arrowsAdamantium Arrow - Next attack will fire adamantium arrows
 Adamantium Arrow
Hogun Icon 1
Hogun-Windup Swing Windup Swing
Hogun-Meteor Smash Meteor Smash
Moon Knight Icon 1
Feral Frenzy
Counter / Follow-Up
Wolverine Persona - Class changes to Scrapper; Increases the damage of Blood Moon; Blood Moon now applies 3 stacks of BleedingWolverine Persona - Class changes to Scrapper; Increases the damage of Blood Moon; Blood Moon now applies 3 stacks of Bleeding
 Wolverine Persona
Sabretooth Icon 1
Sabretooth-Claw Swipe Claw Swipe
Sabretooth-Brutal Slash Brutal Slash
Superior Spider-Man Icon 1
Superior Spider-Man-Dr. Arachnid Dr. Arachnid
Taskmaster Icon 1
Taskmaster-Dance of Blood Dance of Blood
Taskmaster Icon 1
Bruiser Power (2 rounds) - Grants Enraged when attacked or attackingBruiser Power (2 rounds) - Grants Enraged when attacked or attacking
 Bruiser Power
Taskmaster-Attack of Opportunity Attack of Opportunity
Taskmaster-Dance of Blood (Bruiser) Dance of Blood
Taskmaster Icon 1
Scrapper Power (3 turns) - Single-target attacks grant a follow-up attackScrapper Power (3 turns) - Single-target attacks grant a follow-up attack
 Scrapper Power
Taskmaster-Berserker Frenzy Berserker Frenzy
Wolverine Icon 1Wolverine Icon 2Wolverine Icon 3
Wolverine-Adamantium Claws Adamantium Claws
Wolverine-Berserker Frenzy Berserker Frenzy
Wolverine-Savage Rend Savage Rend
Wolverine-Feral Ambush Feral Ambush
X-23 Icon 1X-23 Icon 2
X-23-Snikt! Snikt!
X-23-Blades of Rage Blades of Rage
X-23-Made For Walking Made For Walking
X-23-Assassin's Strike Assassin's Strike


Name Ability
Dark Hawkeye Icon
 Dark Hawkeye
Adamantium Arrow
Dark Wolverine Icon
 Dark Wolverine
Blind Side
Severing Strikes
Karn Icon
BlasterBruiserInfiltratorScrapperTactician Karn
Withering Strike
Furious Assualt
War Icon
Blades of Rage
Made For Walking
Assassin's Strike
Wolverine Icon
Adamantium Claws
Berserker Frenzy
Savage Rend
Feral Ambush
