Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Organization: U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M.

Class: Blastericon Blaster
Health: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02  2
Stamina: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02  3
Attack: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02  3
Defense: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02  2
Accuracy: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02  4
Evasion: Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02  1
Initiative: 5
Takes 1 action every round.

Recruited from the front lines of political protest movements, the Agiator is an undisciplined foe.
First Marvel: Avengers Alliance Appearance: Special Operations - Runaways: Mission 3 - Field Trip!
First Comic Appearance: None
Story Appearances
Season 1: None
Season 2: Unknown
Special Operations Appearances
Missions: Spec Ops 25 - Mission 3
Other Appearances
Daily Missions: None
Simulator: None


Ability Type Target # of Hits Cooldown Effects
Open Fire
(default counter / follow-up)
Ranged Gun One Enemy 1 n/a Special Properties
Exploit Opportunity - Deals extra damage against opponents with Cornered, Exhausted, Impaired, Neutralized, Off-balance, Staggered or WindedExploit Opportunity - Deals extra damage against opponents with Cornered, Exhausted, Impaired, Neutralized, Off-balance, Staggered or Winded
 Exploit Opportunity
Sharpshooting Ranged Gun One Enemy 1 n/a One Enemy
Impaired - Attacks from target enemy do 20% less damage and cannot crit; Cancelled by Restrain or SubdueImpaired - Attacks from target enemy do 20% less damage and cannot crit; Cancelled by Restrain or Subdue
