Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Armory of Attilan
Description: • All four Armory of Attilan weapons together
Guardian of Attilan Guardian of Attilan Watcher of Attilan Watcher of Attilan
Protector of Attilan Protector of Attilan Might of Attilan Might of Attilan
Availability and Requirements:
Gold icon Cost: 192
Limited Edition Dates:
June 9, 2014 - June 19, 2014
May 8, 2015 - May 12, 2015

128 Gold icon
December 1, 2015 - December 8, 2015
How They WorkNotes

The Armory of Attilan Set is a Gear set associated with Special Operations - Infinity.


Guardian of Attilan[]

Armory of Attilan Set - 1 of 4

Guardian of Attilan
Guardian of Attilan
Melee Tech
Power Lvl: Agent level +5
Stamina: 22%
Target: One Enemy
Damage: 818 - 975
PVP Bonus:  +1668 OFF
+1668 DEF
Customized - Power is set by Agent level when acquiredCustomized - Power is set by Agent level when acquired
Shield Slam - Deals extra damage when this character is shieldedShield Slam - Deals extra damage when this character is shielded
Winded (1 Round) - Removes and prevents Follow-Up attacksWinded (1 Round) - Removes and prevents Follow-Up attacks
Guardian of Attilan - Protects allies from single-target melee attacks; Generates a shield when attacking; High crit resistance; Counters melee attacks while Protector of Attilan is activeGuardian of Attilan - Protects allies from single-target melee attacks; Generates a shield when attacking; High crit resistance; Counters melee attacks while Protector of Attilan is active

Watcher of Attilan[]

Armory of Attilan Set - 2 of 4

Watcher of Attilan
Watcher of Attilan
Tech Ranged
Power Lvl: Agent level +5
Stamina: 22%
Target: One Enemy
Damage: 791 - 956
PVP Bonus:  +1668 OFF
+1668 DEF
Customized - Power is set by Agent level when acquiredCustomized - Power is set by Agent level when acquired
Distraction (1 round) - Next attack has a high chance to missDistraction (1 round) - Next attack has a high chance to miss
Curative Watch - Allies have a chance to remove a harmful status effect at the begging of each turnCurative Watch - Allies have a chance to remove a harmful status effect at the begging of each turn
Watcher of Attilan - • Protects allies from single-target range attacks • Resistance to Energy damage • Counters range attacks when Protector of Attilan buff is activeWatcher of Attilan - • Protects allies from single-target range attacks • Resistance to Energy damage • Counters range attacks when Protector of Attilan buff is active

Protector of Attilan[]

Armory of Attilan Set - 3 of 4

Protector of Attilan
Protector of Attilan
Melee Tech
Power Lvl: Agent level +5
Stamina: n/a%
Target: One Enemy
PVP Bonus:  +1668 OFF
+1668 DEF
Customized - Power is set by Agent level when acquiredCustomized - Power is set by Agent level when acquired
Quick Action - Grants an immediate free turn after using; Does not trigger follow-up attacksQuick Action - Grants an immediate free turn after using; Does not trigger follow-up attacks
Protector of Attilan (expires next round) - Takes reduced damage from enemy attacks; Deals reduced damage to enemies; Immune to Cornered, Off-Balance, and Pinpoint effects; Beneficial status effects will not be removed by enemy attacks or harmful status effectsProtector of Attilan (expires next round) - Takes reduced damage from enemy attacks; Deals reduced damage to enemies; Immune to Cornered, Off-Balance, and Pinpoint effects; Beneficial status effects will not be removed by enemy attacks or harmful status effects

Might of Attilan[]

Armory of Attilan Set - 4 of 4

Might of Attilan
Might of Attilan
Slashing Energy Tech
Power Lvl: Agent level +10
Stamina: 11%
Target: One Enemy
Damage: Customized
PVP Bonus:  +2751 OFF
+4583 DEF
Customized - Power is set by Agent level when acquiredCustomized - Power is set by Agent level when acquired
Ignore Defense - Damage ignores enemy's Defense stat; Attacks penetrate Shield statusesIgnore Defense - Damage ignores enemy's Defense stat; Attacks penetrate Shield statuses
Targeted (1 turn) - Attacks against this target are guaranteed to hit and critTargeted (1 turn) - Attacks against this target are guaranteed to hit and crit
Might of Attilan - Attacks with the Might of Attilan regenerate health; While Protector of Attilan buff is active, performs a Follow-up after attacking with either Watcher of Attilan or the Guardian of AttilanMight of Attilan - Attacks with the Might of Attilan regenerate health; While Protector of Attilan buff is active, performs a Follow-up after attacking with either Watcher of Attilan or the Guardian of Attilan

How They Work[]

Item: Advantages: Disadvantages:
Guardian of Attilan Protects from Melee, Generates a Shield, High crit resistance, Counters Melee (with Protector of Attilan) Relies on Protector of Attilan
Watcher of Attilan Protects from Range, High Energy resistance, Counters Range (with Protector of Attilan), applies Distraction Relies on Protector of Attilan
Protector of Attilan Takes reduced damage, Rebuff, Immune to Cornered, Off-Balance, and Pinpoint effects Deals reduced damage
Might of Attilan Ignore Defense, attacks regenerate health, grants follow-up to Watcher of Attilan or the Guardian of Attilan (with Protector of Attilan), applies Targeted Relies on Protector of Attilan, Watcher of Attilan, and Guardian of Attilan

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Due to the stats having a difference between players depending on their Agent's Level and Equipment,
Gear stats in the Wiki are now based on a Level 300 Agent equipped with a Generalist's Kevlar Jumpsuit without any Iso-8 slotted on the Uniform and no other items that affect the stats.

Editors must refrain from changing the stats if this is not their Agent setup.

For Customized Gear in addition to the requirements above, editors must have their Customized Gear's Power Level at 300 or greater via Reforging or obtaining the Gear at the required Level. It is recommended to use obtaining gear.
