Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 3 GreenEffect Icon 025
  Astral Form
Buff 2 rounds
 Avoids all attacks except Magic and Psychic attacks
 Next attack deals more damage
 Removed after performing an attack
 Cannot protect while in Astral Form
Related / Similar Effects:
Phased - Avoids all attacks except magic and psychic attacks; Increased damage on next attack; Removed after attacking; Cannot protect alliesPhased - Avoids all attacks except magic and psychic attacks; Increased damage on next attack; Removed after attacking; Cannot protect allies
Tangible - Cannot gain Astral Form, Ethereal, Intangible, or PhasedTangible - Cannot gain Astral Form, Ethereal, Intangible, or Phased
This Effect is a part of:
Augmented Iso-8 Effects
Astral Form
2 rounds
Effect BG 3 GreenAstral Form
 Avoids all attacks except Magic and Psychic attacks
 Next attack deals more damage
 Removed after performing an attack
 Cannot protect while in Astral Form


Augmented Isotope-8[]

Icon Name Action
A-Iso Blue 089 Phasing Augmented Iso-8
(Dr Dr. Strange only)
Dr. Strange-Shield of the Seraphim Shield of the Seraphim


Name Action
Baron Mordo Icon 1
Baron Mordo-Astral Phase Astral Phase


Name Action
Baron Mordo Icon
 Baron Mordo
Astral Phase
