Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Bastion Icon Bastion Articles and Topics:
  • Dialogues

Bastion Dialogue


Special Operations - Fratricide: Mission 2 - Last Bastion[]

Epic Boss - Bastion[]


A turncoat. You carry the Legacy of Bolivar Trask within you, and yet you align yourself with a mutant filth. Bastion:
Bastion Icon

Omega Sentinel:
Omega Sentinel Icon 1
That legacy was forced on me, Bastion. I never wanted it. Now that it is mine, I will do with it as I please.

You are a creation of madness. The X-men, the Brotherhood, now the Hellfire Club. Where will this destruction stop?

The Hellfire Club was further down my target list until they decided to harbor Avalanche.

Don't worry. I'll get to them in time. I'll get to all of you in time. That's when the destruction will stop.

Bastion Icon


You misunderstand your function, Karima. Bastion:
Bastion Icon


Now are you ready to join the hunt? Bastion:
Bastion Icon

Omega Sentinel:
Omega Sentinel Icon 1
I am already hunting. You are the quarry.

Chapter 7 - Crest of the Wave: Mission 1 - Black Queen, Black Knight?[]

Heroic Battle[]

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Magik Icon 1
S.H.I.E.L.D., I didn't just find Sentinels. I found Bastion. Or I should say, he found me.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
We've got assets in the area, Magik. Karima?

Omega Sentinel:
Omega Sentinel Icon 1
I am closing on the target location.

Perfect. I can eliminate a mutant and a turncoat at the same time. Better than I had anticipated. Bastion:
Bastion Icon

Magik Icon 1
Let's see if you still feel that way once you've gotten a taste of Limbo.


It'll take more than a little brimstone to deter me, Illyana Rasputin. Bastion:
Bastion Icon

Omega Sentinel:
Omega Sentinel Icon 1
As it happens, I'm more than a little brimstone.

And yet I am undeterred. I must revise my expectations of myself upward. Bastion:
Bastion Icon


The toxicity of mutants will poison humanity unless it is purged. Bastion:
Bastion Icon
