Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Batroc Icon Batroc Articles and Topics:
  • Dialogues

Batroc Dialogue


Special Operations - Ghosts of the Past: Mission 2 - Arms Race[]

MiniBoss - Batroc[]

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Captain America:
Captain America Icon 1
Batroc, you'd be better off sticking to jewel heists.

Mais non, Capitaine! HYDRA makes, the... how you say?... big score! Batroc:
Batroc Icon

Captain America:
Captain America Icon 1
I will say this. White Gorillas are an upgrade over the kind of lowlife I usually see you with.

Je suis désolé. How can you be so cruel? Batroc:
Batroc Icon


Oho, you do not fight so well in a foreign land. Batroc:
Batroc Icon


Mon Capitaine, eet does the 'art good to see you again! Batroc:
Batroc Icon

Special Operations - Runaways: Mission 3 - Field Trip![]

MiniBoss - Batroc[]

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Molly Hayes:
Molly Hayes Icon 1
I'm supposed to ask you about U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M.. So, um... what's U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M.?

Mademoiselle, zees is not your fight. Go and play. Batroc:
Batroc Icon

Molly Hayes:
Molly Hayes Icon 1
I am playing. I'm playing with you. The game is you answer my questions, okay?

Non. That is not okay. I answer no questions! Batroc:
Batroc Icon

Molly Hayes:
Molly Hayes Icon 1
Then I'm supposed to hit you.

Ha! I fear you, mademoiselle. Go ahead and hit me. Batroc:
Batroc Icon


Little girl, you pack a mighty punch. But you are still a little girl. Batroc:
Batroc Icon
