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Special Ops 5 Daily Journal Day 1
Ok, so we are back with a new special ops. I will be continuing my journals here but due to work/teaching/classes taking, I may be a day or two behind getting these out. I am also trying to help out back stage here at the Wiki so that does eat a little time as well. So if you are using these for strategy help, I apologise in advance. And now, back to our regularly scheduled journaling.
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Prison Break
- 5.2 On Call
- 5.3 Demolition
- 5.4 Frosty the Giant
- 6 Table of battles fought
- 7 Current Weapons Layout
- 8 Normal Game Play
- 9 Mission Star chart
- 10 End of Day Inventory
This was started late in the day so I had no gifts to report.
There was no spin of the wheel for me on this day.
440 UISO-8, 54 Gold, 30 CP
Same UISO-8 as everyone else.
This was started late in the day so I had no gifts to report.
Game hits while I am at my weekend job on a Friday night. Nothing I can do but read all about it during my breaks as there is no Internet access except …
Wild Hunt - The PKB Plan
Scroll down to the see the plan. Really. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y72/dstorres/Marvel/Valkyrie.jpg
Okay, we had a week off, back to the grind. My plan will be different because my goals are different. I will make notes to the most efficient path where my path diverges. I will refund your admittance fee if you are dissatisfied with the advice, refunding you triple your payment.
PS- I wasn't feeling this when I got up on December 1. I'm better today. So, no more apologies and much more expanded coverage.
- 1 My Goals (not yours)
- 2 A Word About Special Ops Gear and Heroes
- 3 Long Term Preparation
- 4 Efficient Results
- 4.1 Mission 1
- 4.2 Mission 2
- 4.3 Mission 3
- 5 Day 1
- 5.1 Tasks
- 5.2 Plan/Results
- 5.3 Day 1 Observations
- 6 Day 2
- 6.1 Tasks
- 6.2 Plan/Results
- 6.3 Day 2 Observations
- 7 Days 3-4
- 7.1 Tasks
- 7.2 Plan
- 7.3 Day 3 observations
- 7.4 Day 4
- 7.5 Day 5
- 8 Third Block - Days 6-10
- 8.1 Tasks
- 8.2 Plan
- 9 Mopping Up
- 9.1 Plan
- Get Val
- Get the before the final day of PVP Season 2.
- 5 Star all 3 Missions
- This is a matter of personal pride. I like to say th…
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 33
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Mission 2 to five stars
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
50 UISO-8
20 USIO-8
129 UISO-8, 51 Gold, 13 CP, 104 Infernal Fangs
Team First Aid Pack 1
0 days remain.
Ghost Rider has been received. This is just documenting the runs to 4 and 5 stars on the missions.
Also going to try to use weaker XP heroes to bring them up a little more.
Go to mission 2 for a chance to get Frozen Hell.
Grab 70 extra USIO-8 from free stuff page.
Agent levels up to 115; Hercules and Mockingbird both need training to level 5 and 3. Start Mockingbird as it is the shorter of the two.
Finish up the fight but loose to Dormammu in the second wave and with no only 10 UISO-8 left I could not run again. I never exited the map so I do not know if I made it to star 4 or not.
It has been real fun. Hope you all enjoyed it.
Start day with 99 Infernal Fangs. End wit…
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 31
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Mission 1 to four stars
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
50 UISO-8
Grim Visage
59 UISO-8, 53 Gold, 7 CP, 94 Infernal Fangs
17,640 to fifth star mission 1
Panacea Injection
2 days remain.
Ghost Rider has been received. This is just documenting the runs to 4 and 5 stars on the missions.
Also going to try to use weaker XP heroes to bring them up a little more.
Another day another run on mission 1. Now working on the fifth star.
Long day of church and then retail work weekend job. Ran just enough to collect UISO-8 and then run mission 1. Minimal run to get the boss out so that I could get the fifth star. Run out of USIO-8. Pick up the last of it in the morning and then make a run to finish it.
Start day with 94 Infernal Fangs. End with 99.
Now I have to find Frozen Hell. (most likely the odds are against me so I am not going …
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 30
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Mission 1 to four stars
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
32 UISO-8
Grim Visage
37 UISO-8, 52 Gold, 7 CP, 94 Infernal Fangs
389,344 to fifth star mission 1
Team First Aid Pack 1
2 days remain.
Ghost Rider has been received. This is just documenting the runs to 4 and 5 stars on the missions.
Also going to try to use weaker XP heroes to bring them up a little more.
Another day another run on mission 1. Now working on the fifth star.
Finish mission 1 again but still short. May not get it done by finish of special ops. Finish C9M3. Start C9M4. Agent levels up.Mockingbird also levels up to level 3.
Play PVP, while away -13, +16, +18, +17. Rating 697 or top 73.1 %. Got a while to go to get to the gold. Finish night with 735 rating. Top 62.6%.
Start day with 91 Infernal Fangs. End with 96.
Now I have to find Frozen Hell. (most l…
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 29
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Mission 1 to four stars
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
38 UISO-8
20 USIO-8
58 UISO-8, 152 Gold, 7 CP, 93 Infernal Fangs
389,344 to fifth star mission 1
Team Restore 1
3 days remain.
Ghost Rider has been received. This is just documenting the runs to 4 and 5 stars on the missions.
Also going to try to use weaker XP heroes to bring them up a little more.
Recruited Mockingbird with spare gold I had. Another day another run on mission 1. Now working on the fifth star. Get through all but the boss battle of Satana with the UISO-8 for today.
During the run Mockingbird goes to level 2. I also had Quicksilver to run.
Start day with 83 Infernal Fangs. End with 82.
Now I have to find Frozen Hell. (most likely the odds are against me so I am not going to try that much)
Coulson's Revenge
Soulfinder (107)
Girl's Best Friend (103)
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 28
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Mission 1 to four stars
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
32 UISO-8
Skull Protector
41 UISO-8, 151 Gold, 6 CP, 91 Infernal Fangs
389,344 to fifth star mission 1
Stunner 1
4 days remain.
Ghost Rider has been received. This is just documenting the runs to 4 and 5 stars on the missions.
Also going to try to use weaker XP heroes to bring them up a little more.
Another day another run on mission 1. Now working on the fifth star.
Make two fights and out of UISO-8 again. The first one does finish mission 1 again. With some luck will five star it on next run through.
Play regular till energy runs out. Start Black Widow training to level 11.
Finish C9M2 then start M3.
Start day with 91 Infernal Fangs. End with 93.
Now I have to find Frozen Hell. (most likely the odds are against me so I am not going to try that much)
Goblin Glider
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 27
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Mission 1 to five stars
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
50 UISO-8
Grim Vistage
133 UISO-8, 150 Gold, 6 CP, 88 Infernal Fangs
389,344 to fifth star mission 1
Team First Aid Pack 1
7 days remain.
Ghost Rider has been received. This is just documenting the runs to 4 and 5 stars on the missions.
Also going to try to use weaker XP heroes to bring them up a little more.
Another day another run on mission 1. Now working on the fifth star.
Finally run out of UISO-8. Unfortunately it was the boss fight came up in mission 1.
A little PVP. Lost 92 since last on.
Agent goes to level 113.
Start day with 83 Infernal Fangs. End with 82.
Now I have to find Frozen Hell. (most likely the odds are against me so I am not going to try that much)
Goblin Glider
Coulson's Revenge (96)
Girl's Best Friend (103)
Golden Tonfa
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 26
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Mission 1 to four stars
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
43 UISO-8
Grim Vistage
209 UISO-8, 150 Gold, 3 CP, 83 Infernal Fangs
Panacea Injection
7 days remain.
Ghost Rider has been received. This is just documenting the runs to 4 and 5 stars on the missions.
Also going to try to use weaker XP heroes to bring them up a little more.
Another day another run on mission 1. Now working on the fifth star. SO4M1 deploy gets 20 UISO-8
Start day with 83 Infernal Fangs. End with 88.
Now I have to find Frozen Hell. (most likely the odds are against me so I am not going to try that much)
Goblin Glider
Coulson's Revenge (96)
Girl's Best Friend (103)
Golden Tanfa
Did no finish normal round
Did not play PVP today
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 25
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Mission 1 to four stars
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
42 UISO-8
Grim Vistage
363 UISO-8, 150 Gold, 0 CP, 84 Infernal Fangs
Team First Aid Pack
7 days remain.
Ghost Rider has been received. This is just documenting the runs to 4 and 5 stars on the missions.
Also going to try to use weaker XP heroes to bring them up a little more.
Another day another run on mission 1. Now working on the fifth star. Got 20 UISO-8 on deploy spin. Link on Facebook page for 30 more.
Start day with 84 Infernal Fangs. End with 82.
Now I have to find Frozen Hell. (most likely the odds are against me so I am not going to try that much)
Goblin Glider
Coulson's Revenge (96)
Girl's Best Friend (103)
Golden Tanfa
Did not finish normal round
Did not play PVP today
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 24
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Mission 1 to four stars
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
45 UISO-8
Grim Vistage
357 UISO-8, 148 Gold, 84 CP, 84 Infernal Fangs
Panacea Injection
9 days remain.
Ghost Rider has been received. This is just documenting the runs to 4 and 5 stars on the missions.
Also going to try to use weaker XP heroes to bring them up a little more.
Got the 4th star today. Normal play agent up to level 112 Get 90 CP. Time to buy a new hero.
Captain America recruited.
Start day with 84 Infernal Fangs. End with 84.
Now I have to find Frozen Hell. (most likely the odds are against me so I am not going to try that much)
Goblin Glider
Brutal Claw
Girl's Best Friend (103)
Golden El Diablo
No PVP Today
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 23
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Mission 1 to four stars
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
46 UISO-8
Grim Vistage
459 UISO-8, 150 Gold, 84 CP, 81 Infernal Fangs
Stunner 1
9 days remain.
Ghost Rider has been received. This is just documenting the runs to 4 and 5 stars on the missions. Also going to try to use weaker XP heroes to bring them up a little more.
Run it again and I am just shy of the forth star. Will make another run soon.
Run C9M1 again. Did not finish as out of energy.
Run some PVP -65 ranking while away from keyboard. 8 lost, 4 win. 709 ranking.
Start day with 65 Infernal Fangs. End with 46.
Now I have to find Frozen Hell. (most likely the odds are against me so I am not going to try that much)
Goblin Glider
Brutal Claw
Girl's Best Friend (103)
Golden El Diablo
Using Dr. Strange (10) and Magik (7), Blaster Agent
I finish in the top 62.1 % with 751 sco…
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 22
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Mission 1 to four stars
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
48 UISO-8
Skull Protector
560 UISO-8, 149 Gold, 78 CP, 80 Infernal Fangs
Tactical Strike
10 days remain.
Ghost Rider has been received. This is just documenting the runs to 4 and 5 stars on the missions. Also going to try to use weaker XP heroes to bring them up a little more.
Deciding to run it once through with all the deploys. It is interesting playing with Ghost Rider with only level 1 Total score on this run is 176,512. 147,956 till the 4th star.
In normal play my agent goes to level 111. Kitty Pride starts training for level 8. Run C9M2. Get 3CP Get first star.
Start day with 80 Infernal Fangs. End with 81.
Now I have to find Frozen Hell. (most likely the odds are against me so I am not going to try that much)
Goblin Glider
Coulson's Revenge (96)
Girl's Best F…
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 21
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Dark Dimensions
- 5.2 All Hallow's Eve
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
50 UISO-8
1000 UISO-8
1,027 UISO-8, 164 Gold, 75 CP, 67 Infernal Fangs
Tactical Strike
11 days remain.
Am doing a little happy dance. I got 1000 UISO-8 in the spin today. WOOT!
Human Torch to level 9.
Task 24 - Defeat Dormammu
Day 9
Guess I will not run out of USIO-8 before I get Ghost Rider (or at least I should not). Do the two deploys and then take the easy one. Win. Another deploy shows up. So map shows 3 deploys (all sent), 1 medium, 1 high, Moonstone. Boss Baron Modo has not shown up yet.
Go for the medium one. Same layout as the easy except they are Bodyguards. SO I will not be able to take out the Mindless one so easy. Go in with same team though. Get the win. Gambit out of deploy. Get cluster grenade 3 for reward. Baron Mordo shows up. Got the high …
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 20
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Dark Dimensions
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
50 UISO-8
20 UISO-8
76 UISO-8, 164 Gold, 72 CP, 65 Infernal Fangs
Tactical Strike
12 days remain.
Task 24 - Defeat Dormammu
Day 7
Dropping the three star all mission idea first and going back to mission two.
Deploy Hercules and pick up one of the two medium battles. Looking at notes I see that I used ambit and Thor last time and did OK. Try them again with much the same results. Get the win.
Deploy for Daredevil comes up. Deploy him and grab the other medium. Same bad guys so will try the same team again. Not as great a result. Agent health down to much and the stare got him.
Deploys are done. Hercules gives me a Regenerating Serum 3, Daredevil gives an Active ISO-8 Shard.
Get an easy, medium, high, Moonstone and Mindless One on the map. I have 37 UISO-8 left. I decide to go fo…
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 19
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Dark Dimensions
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
50 UISO-8
Grim Vistage
104 UISO-8, 165 Gold, 68 CP, 59 Infernal Fangs
Team Restore
13 days remain.
Task 24 - Defeat Dormammu
Day 6
After posting this last night I looked at the activity on the Wiki and saw that on the free stuff page the 50 UISO-8 link was working and went to try it. Found out then that PVP was open and made 10 runs on it to start getting Cable. My chances are real low I am sure. I will try though to get into the gold group this time around (as time permits). Any way,that explains the extra 4 UISO-8 if anyone is really reading this.
Going to try to finish second star in mission three today and then go back and do third star in mission 2 and Dormammu at the same time.
It was an up and down set of fights as you can see below. In the end I got the second star an…
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 16
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Dark Dimensions
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
50 UISO-8
20 UISO-8
UISO-83, 164 Gold, 67 CP, 47 Infernal Fangs
Team Restore
16 days remain.
Task 24 - Defeat Dormammu
Day 5 Still no response from Playdom and we are now on our third day.
Plan is to finish up the third star on mission 3 and then come back and do the third star and Dormammu at the same time. I am hoping that they will do something soon.
Deploy, medium and Satana. Do the medium. As I set up for the fight one of the two heroes that appear is Quicksilver. Huh! Guess it fixed itself. Going to stay with the plan though. Get the win.
Another deploy, another medium and Satana mini-boss. Going to go for Satana and then have to quit to go to work. Get the win, now off to work.
Back from work, time for the medium. Win, then the other medium, win. Loose to the boss an…
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 14
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Dark Dimensions
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
50 UISO-8
Grim Vistage
UISO-59, 161 Gold, 52 CP, 43 Infernal Fangs
Team Restore
18 days remain.
Task 24 - Defeat Dormammu
Day 3
Problem with the game. Last night I started to do the deploy of Quicksilver as I had received one UISO-8 in normal play and that made 10. So I sent him off and got the reset browser warning. Now when I go to deploy Quicksilver I can not as it says he is already deployed. I do not wish to continue because one must do all deploys to get to Dormammu. So I will put a trouble ticket in to Playdom and hope for the best.
I looked at their FAQ and it says to send any hero on three minute flight and then close the browser. At the end of the time reopen the browser and the problem should be resolved. I am doing that now. The second option is not one of choice…
Special OPs 4 Daily Journal Day 13
- 1 Daily Gifts
- 2 Daily Reward
- 3 Opening Stats
- 4 Daily Bonus Email
- 5 Game Play
- 5.1 Dark Dimensions
- 6 Harness the Power
- 7 Table of battles fought
- 8 Current Weapons Layout
- 9 Normal Game Play
- 10 PVP results
- 11 Mission Star chart
- 12 End of Day Inventory
50 UISO-8
10 Gold
UISO-56, 161 Gold, 49 CP, 42 Infernal Fangs
Team Restore 1
19 days remain.
WOW! 10 Gold in the daily reward. That was nice.
Task 24 - Defeat Dormammu
Day 2
Well Hercules has been holding up that building all night. Guess I need to get him out from under it. On the map is one Daredevil deploy and one medium fight. Do the deploy with a chance to get Shawma. Now for the medium. Was not watching the Mindless One and its stare and Gambit paid the price for it. I put in some of my lesser trained heroes for a change to test them out.
Deploys are done. Hercules give me a enduring ISO-8 Shard. Daredevil gives me the same.
Let's look at the map again. I have 37 UISO-8. I have a low, medium and high threat on the map as well as Mindless one mini-boss and Moonstone mini-…
Special Op 4: Dormammu Strategies
So, I died to Epic Dormammu (I also died to Premium Dormammu the first time I played him, till I figured some things out). Dying in PvE burns me. It makes me look like Dormammu himself.
At any rate, I figured something out that would work for me, but I didn't want to deplete my cheese resources too deeply. So, I went walking aorund the World Wide Web and found these:
- 1 Cheese
- 2 Basic Tips
- 3 Cage the Beast
- 4 Tankapalooza
- 5 Bringing Doom/Amazing Fate/Iron Fist
- 6 Red and White
- 7 Absorbing Chaos
When I say that I didn't want to deplete my cheese resources too deeply, I'apos;m talking about some very specific gear. These were largely limited time consumables that were available for gold. They now drop from deploy drops and some roulettes. We're talking about:
The Crippler sets people up for Mockingbird to do a ton of damage. The rest of them have some game changing effects. But using a Crippler with Mockingbird is both expensive in terms of limited resources, and cheese. I don't want t…
How to defeat Dormammu easily
Hi everyone....This is my first bolg and it's about Dormammu-spec ops 4 epic boss.He is realy a very strong enemy and we have to defeat him not only once but thirce with mindless once.So here is a very simple but an effective combo for him- IW and SW.
Dormammu follows a single pattern to attack during the whole fight.On first two turns he always change his class and than on second turn he attacks so all we have to do is Force Cage him and attack him on the right turn.Bellow are some simple steps for that.
1)On every wave first kill the two Mindless once and Force Cage Dormammu untill you are done.
2)Now you have two options
- A) Either keep Force Caging him with IW and give random Debuffs by SW with her Probability Field untill he is dead.
- OR
- B) Attack him on the turns on which he changes his class and Force Cage him on the next turns.
I have defeated him with this trick very easily.But if you know any batter trick for Dormammu than feel free to share :)
Spec Ops Daily Reward
- 1 I'll be recording down what I got from Spec Ops Daily Reward everyday and will tabulate the percentage of obtaining each item. This may act as a reference or comparison for those of you who are curious.
- 2 Non Spec Ops Reward
- 3 Spec Ops 5: The Wild Hunt
- 4 Spec Ops 4: All Hallows
Day 01, 08/01 - Full Energy
Day 02, 09/01 - 5 Battles
Day 03, 10/01 - Sonic Fist
Day 04, 11/01 - Sonic Fist
Day 05, 12/01 - Full Energy
2 CP----------------------------0
1 Gold--------------------------0
5 Battles----------------------1
Full Energy-------------------2
20 CP---------------------------0
10 Gold-------------------------0
15 SP---------------------------0
50 CP---------------------------0
Sonic Fist---------------------2
Day 01, 01/12 - 20 UISO
Day 02, 02/12 - 20 UISO
Day 03, 03/12 - Golden Shield
Day 04, 04/12 - 20 UISO
Day 05, 05/12 - 10 Gold
Day 06, 06/12 - Roar of the North
Day 07, 07/12 - 20 UISO
Day 08, 08/12 - Golden Shield
Day 09, 09/12 - Golden Shield
Day 10, 10/12 - 10 Gold
Day 11, 11/12 - Golden Shield
Day 12, 12…
Special Op 4: The PKB Plan
Do your giddy dance. Prepare your complaints. Get some cheese to go with the whines. And prepare for the chest thumping of some rich kid with too much money. Spec Op #4 is here.
My goals may be very different from yours. I think that's worth mentioning at at the top. I have several goals in this Special Op. Your goals will probably differ.
- Get Ghost Rider
- Five Star Completion on all three missions.
- Complete the side quest.
- Get the 4 items that are unique roulette drops.
- Complete the Demon Set
- This is a low priority goal that would be amusing to obtain as I don't think I'm likely to use it.
Your goals may be higher or lower. In putting this together, I am attempting to lay out the thinking on getting Ghost Rider. But in my actions, I may do things that are not conducive to accomplishing Ghost Rider in the most efficient manner, because I am chasing a different goal (specifically the side quest activity). Keep that in mind, and remember, you're getting more than yo…
Daily Blog: Spec Ops 4 - All Hallows
- 1 Day one:
- 2 Day two:
- 3 Day Three
- 4 Day Four
- 5 Day Five
- 6 Day Six
- 7 Day Seven
- 8 Day Eight
- 9 Day Nine
- 10 Day Ten
- 11 Spec Op Quick Tips (things I wish I knew when I first started):
Well being (un/under)employed has its perks. I got to log on to MAA today at about 2PM EST and see that Spec Ops 4 was out and started to create pages and work on completing others. Too bad I left all of my passion for coding webpages in my 12 year old self over a decade ago. When I first started playing I had no U-Isos and was pissed because I used my daily gifts on Energy, but luckily Playdom supplies you with 440 to start (why such an odd number? [odd as in peculiar, the number itself is quite even]). Must have had a lot of bugs or bogged down by the players becase the game has been offline for about an hour.
I've completed Task one, which unfortunately must be completed in Spec Ops, and not outside of it. Be smart with your U-Isos! I'm usually playing like an idiot, now that this is my third Spec Ops mission, I better know how t…
Don't Panic... - Special Op Advice
Don't Panic.
There will be plenty of time for that later.
Here's some quick advice for making it through the special operation with your wits intact.
First: Repeat after me. "It's only a game." If you don't complete the special op, your life will go on. It will get better. Completing the special op is not that big a high, so, not completing it should not be too big of a low. It's just a game. Relax.
Second: Send UISO. Depending on how many friends you have who play the game, you will want to send anywhere from three to ten sets of UISO out. Figure a 33% of return. Maybe lower. I have >50 and I try to send out 5. That's assuming a 20% of return per gift. I wind up with extra, but it lets me slack on the gift sending later. UISO is important. Vitally so. It is the limited resource. You don't want to leave any unclaimed.
I know we said it's only a game. But if you want to win it without gold expenditure, you are gonna have to put in some dedicated work. If you have a large reserve of energy, …