Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Brotherhood of mutants Portrait Art

The Brotherhood of Mutants, originally known as the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, is a group dedicated to the cause of mutant superiority over humans. The group's roster and ideology have varied from incarnation to incarnation, ranging from world domination to serving as a terrorist group that targets anti-mutant public figures. They are almost always at odds with the more peaceful X-Men, though on rare occasions the two sides have allied against a common threat.

The Brotherhood was founded by Magneto and its members were his primary allies in his early battles with the X-Men. The original Brotherhood ultimately disbanded, with two members, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, going on to become members of the Avengers.

The Brotherhood of Mutants was revived under the leadership of Mystique and was later led by Toad. With each additional incarnation, the group abandoned its political ideology and regressed to the status of "hired goons. Later incarnations have sought to return to their political roots.

Note: Before joining the X-Men, Rogue was a member of the Brotherhood. For that reason, many X-Men, especially Wolverine, didn't trust her on the first few days.

Team-Up Bonuses[]

Brotherhood Former members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants AvalancheJuggernautMagnetoQuicksilverRogueSabretoothScarlet Witch



Avalanche Icon 1


Juggernaut Icon 1


Magneto Icon 1


Quicksilver Icon 1Quicksilver Icon 2Quicksilver Icon 3


Rogue Icon 1Rogue Icon 2Rogue Icon 3


Sabretooth Icon 1


Scarlet Witch Icon 1Scarlet Witch Icon 2Scarlet Witch Icon 3



Avalanche Icon
Blob Icon
Dragoness Icon
Famine Icon
 Famine (Rogue)
Magneto Icon
Mystique Icon
Juggernaut Icon
Quicksilver Icon
Sabretooth Icon
Scarlet Witch Icon
 Scarlet Witch
Toad Icon
Sauron Icon

M-Series Sentinels[]

M-Series Rho MK III Icon
 M-Series Rho MK III
M-Series Sigma MK III Icon
 M-Series Sigma MK III
M-Series Tau MK III Icon
 M-Series Tau MK III
M-Series Sigma MK III Icon
 M-Series Sigma MK IV
M-Series Tau MK III Icon
 M-Series Tau MK IV


Test Subjects[]

Brotherhood of Mutants-Related[]


Name Name Name
Brotherhood - Protects Mystique from single-target attacksBrotherhood - Protects Mystique from single-target attacks
Brotherhood - Mystique and her lieutenants have a chance to be joined in battle by reinforcements.Brotherhood - Mystique and her lieutenants have a chance to be joined in battle by reinforcements.
Brotherhood - Counters attacks against JuggernautBrotherhood - Counters attacks against Juggernaut
Brotherhood Forever - Grants new abilities to other members of the Brotherhood when KO'edBrotherhood Forever - Grants new abilities to other members of the Brotherhood when KO'ed
 Brotherhood Forever
Brotherhood Pugilist - Chance to retaliate when attacking a member of the BrotherhoodBrotherhood Pugilist - Chance to retaliate when attacking a member of the Brotherhood
 Brotherhood Pugilist
Brotherhood Leadership - Chance for members of the Brotherhood to gain an extra turn when they attackBrotherhood Leadership - Chance for members of the Brotherhood to gain an extra turn when they attack
 Brotherhood Leadership
Brotherhood Lackey - Protects Brotherhood members from single target or area attacks; Chance to join in on another member of the Brotherhood's single-target attackBrotherhood Lackey - Protects Brotherhood members from single target or area attacks; Chance to join in on another member of the Brotherhood's single-target attack
 Brotherhood Lackey
Zeal of the Brotherhood - Cannot be KO'edZeal of the Brotherhood - Cannot be KO'ed
 Zeal of the Brotherhood

See Also[]

External Links[]
