Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

"Complete missions with high scores to gain chapter mastery. Bonus points are awarded for defeating more challenging adversaries.
Reaching five stars on all missions in a chapter will grant a golden weapon!
— S.H.I.E.L.D. Intel

Mission Mastery[]

Every chapter has 5 stars of mastery, each star obtained grants a different reward:

No. of Stars Reward
Star icon 250 Silver-icon
Star icon Star icon 1000 Silver-icon
Star icon Star icon Star icon 100 XP-icon
Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon 1 Gold icon
Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon 5 Command point icon

Fully mastering a Chapter grants players Rewards.

Mission Difficulty[]

Each mission, save the Premium Missions, has a set difficulty level. When a mission is 5-starred, the difficulty is scaled to the agent level the player is.

In Premium Missions, difficulty is set to the agent level, no matter the mastery.

Challenge Mode sets the difficulty to to the agent level +5, whatever the mastery.

Chapter 1 - The Pulse

Chapter 2 - The Iso Effect
The Hydra's TailCh01 m1
The Hydra's Tail
Class is in SessionCh01 m2
Class is in Session
In the FamilyCh02 m1
In the Family
The Sound of Feathers RufflingCh02 m2
The Sound of Feathers Ruffling
Epic icStep into the ShadowsCh02 m3
Step into the Shadows
Designed Only for KillingCh01 m4
Designed Only for Killing
O Brother, Where Art Thou?Ch01 m5
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Hulk Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch01 m6

Extra Large
Mean PeopleCh02 m4
Mean People
Mutate or DieCh02 m5
Mutate or Die
Iron Man Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch02 m6

Ulterior Motive

Chapter 3 - Enter Doom

Chapter 4 - You, Foe
Sacred GroundCh03 m1
Sacred Ground
Brooklyn Bridge is Falling DownCh03 m2
Brooklyn Bridge is Falling Down
RAID-ical ResolutionCh03 m3
RAID-ical Resolution
JailbreakCh04 m1
Center PointCh04 m2
Center Point
HydrophobiaCh04 m3
Odd BedfellowsCh03 m4
Odd Bedfellows
Epic icThree StrikesCh03 m5
Three Strikes
Spider-Man Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch03 m6

Epic icUnexpected GuestCh04 m4
Unexpected Guest
Command PerformanceCh04 m5
Command Performance
Wolverine Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch04 m6

Tooth and Claw

Chapter 5 - Gods & Monsters

Chapter 6 - Uprising
An Early FrostCh05 m1
An Early Frost
Taking AIMCh05 m2
Taking AIM
Epic icChemistry SetCh05 m3
Chemistry Set
Underworld MasqueradeCh06 m1
Underworld Masquerade
I Predict a RiotCh06 m2
I Predict a Riot
Epic icTentacularCh06 m3
DesecrationCh05 m4
City of StoneCh05 m5
City of Stone
War Machine Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch05 m6

Hydra Assemble!
Mutants MarchingCh06 m4
Mutants Marching
Magic HandCh06 m5
Magic Hand
Phoenix Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch06 m6

Jailhouse Rock

Chapter 7 - MIA

Chapter 8 - Dark Rites
AnticipationCh07 m1
Taking It to the StreetsCh07 m2
Taking It to the Streets
Epic icHead ShotCh07 m3
Head Shot
Dewey Decimation SystemCh08 m1
Dewey Decimation System
Congressional ActionCh08 m2
Congressional Action
Grand ExperimentCh08 m3
Grand Experiment
Deceiver and DestroyerCh07 m4
Deceiver and Destroyer
Chaos ReignsCh07 m5
Chaos Reigns
Human Torch Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch07 m6

A Whole New U
Quis CustodietCh08 m4
Quis Custodiet
Epic icRegenerationCh08 m5
Thor Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch08 m6

Bring the Thunder

Chapter 9 - The Syndicate

Chapter 10 - Chaos Circle
The Boss is BackCh09 m1
The Boss is Back
Mutatis MutandisCh09 m2
Mutatis Mutandis
Hand and FistCh09 m3
Hand and Fist
U-Foe SightingCh10 m1
U-Foe Sighting
Power PlayCh10 m2
Power Play
Stormy WeatherCh10 m3
Stormy Weather
Epic icWeird ScienceCh09 m4
Weird Science
Criminal MindsCh09 m5
Criminal Minds
Dr. Strange Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch09 m6

Darkness Rising
Epic icGrinning SkullCh10 m4
Grinning Skull
The SyndicateCh10 m5
The Syndicate
Luke Cage Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch10 m6

Der Rote Schadel Lebt Noch

Chapter 11 - Mutant Mayhem

Chapter 12 - Titanomachia
Mutants Take ManhattanCh11 m1
Mutants Take Manhattan
HYDRA for Humans!Ch11 m2
HYDRA for Humans!
Epic icEnter the CircleCh11 m3
Enter the Circle
LokasennaCh12 m1
Epic icOuroborosCh12 m2
Under the HoodCh12 m3
Under the Hood
Underground ResistanceCh11 m4
Underground Resistance
Mutation ZoneCh11 m5
Mutation Zone
Captain America Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch11 m6

Breaking the Syndicate
TechnocratsCh12 m4
Feeding FrenzyCh12 m5
Feeding Frenzy
Mr. Fantastic Icon 1Msnfrm6Ch12 m6

Doom's Day

"Complete all tasks, deploys, heroic battles, incursions, epic bosses, and challenge modes in a chapter to complete it.
Completing a chapter will grant awesome rewards!
— S.H.I.E.L.D. Intel

Chapter Mastery[]

Each chapter has a number of requirements to be completed in order to fully master it. These requirements are:

Mastering all the requirements yields various rewards for the player.

Mission Difficulty[]

Each Missions, with a couple exceptions, now permanently set the difficulty to the Agent level when the Mission was first played and completed. This means that for example, a Level 100 Agent runs Mission 1 of Season 2 for the first time, the difficulty is permanently set to Level 100 even when the Agent has Leveled up since.

This change does not affect Premium Missions, as their difficulty is still set to the current Agent's Level. Missions that are set to Challenge Mode are also not affected, as the difficulty is set to the current Agent's Level plus 10 Levels.

Chapter 1 - Excalibur

Chapter 2 - Crazy Eights
Artificial SweetenerS2 C01 M1
Artificial Sweetener
Trans-AtlanticS2 C01 M2
Sword in the StoneS2 C01 M3
Sword in the Stone
AntiquityS2 C02 M1
Eight FingersS2 C02 M2
Eight Fingers
Foggy VisionS2 C02 M3
Foggy Vision
Vulture, MPS2 C01 M4
Vulture, MP
God Save The QueenS2 C01 M5
God Save The Queen
Gambit Icon 1Msnfrm6S2 C01 M6

To Catch a Thief
The StingS2 C02 M4
The Sting
RehabilitationS2 C02 M5
Scarlet Witch Icon 1Msnfrm6S2 C02 M6

Rock Candy

Chapter 3 - Crisis of Leadership

Chapter 4 - Globetrotting
ShatteredS2 C03 M1
Gates of HellS2 C03 M2
Gates of Hell
Capo CrimineS2 C03 M3
Capo Crimine
Splintering CellsS2 C04 M1
Splintering Cells
Heated NegotiationsS2 C04 M2
Heated Negotiations
Tourist TrapS2 C04 M3
Tourist Trap
Growing PainsS2 C03 M4
Growing Pains
Techno IllogicS2 C03 M5
Techno Illogic
Punisher Icon 1Msnfrm6S2 C03 M6

Circular SpeculationsS2 C04 M4
Circular Speculations
LockdownS2 C04 M5
Black Panther Icon 1Msnfrm6S2 C04 M6

On the Prowl

Chapter 5 - Spot Treatment

Chapter 6 - When Opportunity Knocks
Tech UpS2 C05 M1
Tech Up
Grudge MatchS2 C05 M2
Grudge Match
Up a TreeS2 C05 M3
Up a Tree
Unknown IntelS2 C06 M1
Unknown Intel
Ancient KnightS2 C06 M2
Ancient Knight
Dark ComplicationsS2 C06 M3
Dark Complications
Cleaning HouseS2 C05 M4
Cleaning House
EnchantedS2 C05 M5
Hercules Icon 1Msnfrm6S2 C05 M6

Deific Inadequacy
Harvester of SoulsS2 C06 M4
Harvester of Souls
Clash of TitansS2 C06 M5
Clash of Titans
Deadpool Icon 1Msnfrm6S2 C06 M6

Fourth Wall

Chapter 7 - Crest of the Wave

Chapter 8 - Trial By Fire
Black Queen, Black Knight?S2 C07 M1
Black Queen, Black Knight?
Mysteries AboundS2 C07 M2
Mysteries Abound
SavageS2 C07 M3
Circle of 8 CityS2 C08 M1a
Circle of 8 City
We're Not Worthy!S2 C08 M2
We're Not Worthy!
Highest BidderS2 C08 M3
Highest Bidder
Many HeadsS2 C07 M4
Many Heads
But One ImmortalS2 C07 M5
But One Immortal
Wonder Man Icon 1Msnfrm6S2 C07 M6

Explosive Events
Mindless MischiefS2 C08 M4
Mindless Mischief
Demonic DealingsS2 C08 M5
Demonic Dealings
Domino Icon 1Msnfrm6S2 C08 M6

Savage Science

Chapter 9 - Signs of the End

Chapter 10 - Strength of Fear
Ritual CleansingS2 C09 M1
Ritual Cleansing
Delusions of GrandeurS2 C09 M2
Delusions of Grandeur
The Better of Both WorldsS2 C09 M3
The Better of Both Worlds
Breaking into VibraniumS2 C10 M1
Breaking into Vibranium
The Big AppleS2 C10 M2
The Big Apple
MadripoorS2 C10 M3
Change the ChannelS2 C09 M4
Change the Channel
Hammer HuntS2 C09 M5
Hammer Hunt
Black Panther Icon 1Msnfrm6S2 C09 M6

Worlds Domination
Eternal DarknessS2 C10 M4
Eternal Darkness
Cosmic ConnectionsS2 C10 M5
Cosmic Connections
Deathlok Icon 1Msnfrm6S2 C10 M6

I Have Become Death

Chapter 11 - Rise of the Serpent

Chapter 12 - Fear Itself
Hellfire ExtinguisherS2 C11 M1
Hellfire Extinguisher
Incurring IncursionsS2 C11 M2
Incurring Incursions
Soul SearchingS2 C11 M3
Soul Searching
The Worthy AppealS2 C12 M1
The Worthy Appeal
Time TrialsS2 C12 M2
Time Trials
Serpent StrikeS2 C12 M3
Serpent Strike
Devil's in the DetailsS2 C11 M4
Devil's in the Details
Forging AlliancesS2 C11 M5
Forging Alliances
Iron Man Icon 1Msnfrm6S2 C11 M6

Tower's Avenger

All items (30)
