Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

Mission 1[]

Mission Start[]

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Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Agent, we've recorded another meteor impact, this time in the Orkney Islands. Tony is leading the response team.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Whatever fell out of the sky here, it's gone. All I'm seeing is a big hole in the ground. What's the situation in London?

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Our friends in Excalibur have tipped us off to a HYDRA meeting of some kind. We're here to observe and support if necessary.

Jack, what can you tell us?

Union Jack:
Union Jack Icon 1
You said it already. There's HYDRA nests all through our fair city. I was just about to start clearing them out. Happy for a little company, if you've got time and inclination.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Let's do that. But let's also keep the big picture in mind. These meteor impacts aren't just late Iso-8 fragments falling to Earth. There's some kind of bigger disturbance happening.

Deploy 1[]

Screen Text[]

To keep us occupied while they get the rest of their London bases set up, HYDRA has put snipers on the roofs of buildings in this area. We've got the best sniper there is in Hawkeye. Let's fight fire with fire.


Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Hawkeye, there are HYDRA snipers occupying rooftops all over this part of the city. We need them eliminated with no collateral damage.

Hawkeye Icon 1
How many are there?

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
We've got visual on six.

Hawkeye Icon 1
Then that's how many arrows I'll bring.


Hawkeye Icon 1
Give me a minute to recover my arrows.

Deploy 2[]

Screen Text[]

Another sniper detachment is deploying. Doesn't look like Hawkeye can make it in time. Mockingbird's on deck.


Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Bobbi, Clint's on sniper stakeout but he can't cover this whole part of the city. We've got another moving into place.

Mockingbird Icon 1
I'll head 'em off at the pass. Shoot me the location.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
You should have it now.


Mockingbird Icon 1
This part of London is sniper-free.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Stay in the field and keep an eye out. There may be more.

Deploy 3[]

Screen Text[]

A HYDRA strike team is in the Underground. They're moving fast and MI-13's agents can't keep track of them. Lend a hand.


Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
We've got HYDRA soldiers loose in the Tube. Either they're planting a bomb or they're trying to meet up with another group.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
MI-13 has responded, but they're not sure what they're going to be up against when they corner the HYDRA team.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Let's get some fire support where it's most needed.


Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
They were trying to plant a bomb. Bringing in a demo team to defuse it now.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Why don't you just send the big green guy in there to eat it?

Deploy 4[]

Screen Text[]

Taskmaster set up a training facility here. Now that he's not using it any more, S.H.I.E.L.D. teams are taking it apart. Get a hero there to protect the team in case they encounter any nasty surprises.

Deploy 5[]

Screen Text[]

Recovered intel suggests that HYDRA may be starting a new super-soldier program. The files are damaged, though. Get them to Avengers Tower so we can put Tony's best recovery and cryptography tech to work.

Heroic Battle[]

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Screen Text[]

Magneto and Mystique really have it out for each other, and he's managed to intercept Blob and Mystique. Reports on the field coming in say Magneto's having problems taking them down. We have Emma Frost moving in to back him up.


Magneto and his new arm candy. Come to teach me a lesson? Mystique:
Mystique Icon

Arm candy. Heh. Blob:
Blob Icon

Magneto Icon 1
We have no hope of teaching you anything. We have come to tell you that you are betraying the cause you pretend to fight for.

Emma Frost:
Emma Frost Icon 1
Seriously, darling. Hiring HYDRA mercenaries? What do you think HYDRA will do to you if they succeed in crippling S.H.I.E.L.D.?

I think you and Magneto left. And now the direction of the Brotherhood is up to me. Magneto, she might have seduced you away, but you're both traitors to all mutants, just like Xavier and his schoolchildren.

We must look after ourselves, by any means necessary.

Mystique Icon


Magneto Icon 1
Freddie, would you kindly get out of the way.

In case you hadn’t noticed, you ain’t the boss anymore.

Besides, can't have you hurting my "little sister" can we.

Blob Icon

Emma Frost:
Emma Frost Icon 1
Don’t worry, Erik. I'm less arm candy and more "big sister."

Let me handle him.


You won't listen. You never did. But I'll say it anyway: Every atom of mercy you feel is one more than they feel for us.

Every impulse you have to connect with sapiens is a weakness they will use to destroy us.

Every time you imagine a future where all of us coexist, you daydream while one of them waits to ambush you.

You will kill us by pretending they don't want to kill us. Enough.

Mystique Icon


Magneto Icon 1
I no longer hope to convince you.

Good. In that, at least, you won't be disappointed. Mystique:
Mystique Icon


Magneto Icon 1
A victory that does not feel like a victory. Pointless squabbling while the world burns.

Professor X:
Professor X Dialogue
There are battles that must be fought whether or not they can be won. This was such a battle.

Perhaps it has laid the foundation for a true success in a future we cannot yet see.

Emma Frost:
Emma Frost Icon 1
Your optimism, Charles. How do you sustain it?

MiniBoss - Arnim Zola[]

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Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Look who we've got here. Arnim Zola.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
He survived the Grim Reaper fireworks, it seems. Any sign of other HYDRA leadership?

Union Jack:
Union Jack Icon 1
None yet.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
We figured HYDRA would start to fracture because of the Red Skull's return. Witnessing their subcommanders scramble in secret meetings is a good sign that we were right.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
He won't be alone. Keep an eye out for his protection.


Ah, the ersatz Captain America is here. Should I be insulted that the genuine Rogers did not appear? Arnim Zola:
Arnim Zola Icon

Union Jack:
Union Jack Icon 1
Have to make do with me, I'm afraid. I'll do my best to make you forget all about Rogers.

Solid beating accompanied by concussion-like symptoms ought to do the trick. Long as I can find your head.

By the way, you franchising here or did the Crimson Cranium himself send you?

I do as I please. As you can see, HYDRA responds to my commands. Arnim Zola:
Arnim Zola Icon


So far, you don't measure up, I'm afraid. Arnim Zola:
Arnim Zola Icon


Union Jack:
Union Jack Icon 1
Persistence is the key. You Jerries never stick to a fight over the long haul.


Union Jack:
Union Jack Icon 1
We've got Zola. Be a chum and pick him up before I make him forget too much.

Agent, let's you and me make sure we cleared out all the HYDRA infestation.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
We concur, Union Jack. Zola said he was doing this on his own, but that seems unlikely. Stay vigilant.

Boss - Taskmaster[]

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Union Jack:
Union Jack Icon 1
Aha. There's the hired muscle. Agent, have you had the privilege of tangling with Taskmaster?

He's a nasty piece of work.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
We've seen him around. Red Skull's reappearance seems to have drawn Masters back into the HYDRA fold.

Union Jack:
Union Jack Icon 1
How about we make his reunion a short one?


Union Jack:
Union Jack Icon 1
Riding shotgun for Zola, I see.

Shotgun? Hardly. The shotgun is a weapon for people without skill or the appreciation of skill. Taskmaster:
Taskmaster Icon

Union Jack:
Union Jack Icon 1
I see nobody taught you about figurative language in your assassin school, did they, mate?

So I'll get literal. You and Zola a splinter cell, or can we expect the Red Skull to pop by as well?

He doesn't show me his daily planner. And in a few minutes it won't matter to you. Taskmaster:
Taskmaster Icon


Nothing to learn here. Taskmaster:
Taskmaster Icon


Union Jack:
Union Jack Icon 1
Let's repeat the lesson.


Union Jack:
Union Jack Icon 1
Fury, I thought Taskmaster was zonked out, but when I'd cleared away the rest of the HYDRA foot soldiers, he was gone.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
He must've been able to tell we had Zola. Do an intel sweep and figure out who else is in on Zola's side project here.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
If that's what it is.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
We'll know soon enough.

Mission Complete[]

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Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
How many more of these little HYDRA cells are we going to be finding?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
I don't know, Nick. How many dissatisfied subordinates are there?

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
We'll have to stamp them out as we find them. If HYDRA is going to blow apart, that's great, but S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to minimize the damage.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Excuse me, boss. NYPD just found Adrian Luca and Grant Alexander hung upside down in a warehouse on Eleventh Avenue.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
As if a HYDRA civil war wasn't enough to deal with.

Mission 2[]

Mission Start[]

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Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
We just got back from London, and A.I.M.'s threatening to blow up City Hall. Not the "Welcome Home" I was imagining.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Is there something they want or is this just for fun?

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
They want the Omega Sentinel. Apparently our Karima is very attractive to the tech-obsessed lunatic fringe.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
They're saying that if we deactivate her decision-making routines and hand her over to M.O.D.O.K., they won't let Nitro go off in City Hall Plaza.

Omega Sentinel:
Omega Sentinel Icon 1
I will go.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Hell you will.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
You won't have to. As always, I have a plan. This one might even work.

Deploy 1[]

Screen Text[]

Deadpool Icon 1
Agent! Send me on this deploy! I don't even know what it is, but it's my turn, right?


Deadpool Icon 1
Reporting for duty, Big Cheese of S.H.I.E.L.D..

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
We didn't--

Deadpool Icon 1
Right! You need A.I.M. terrorists terrorized, I'm your guy. Point me at 'em!


Deadpool Icon 1
Now do I get to fight the Hulk? He's the boss in this mission, right? God, I love this game.

Wait... it's Red Hulk? And he's on our side? Oh, man, I read the forum guide all wrong. What do I do now?

Deploy 2[]

Screen Text[]

X-23 has been tracking an A.I.M. mobile science lab. The scientists staffing it have stopped and are setting something up. Now's the time for her to act.


Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
X-23, what's your status?

X-23 Icon 1
I'm looking at five A.I.M. scientists in a truck. They just pulled into a loading zone on Chrystie Street and they're working on something.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
That's your cue. Hit 'em.


X-23 Icon 1
You want to leave the truck here or come get it?

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
We'll come get it. Who knows what would happen if the guys at the tow yard got their hands on A.I.M. tech.

Deploy 3[]

Screen Text[]

A.I.M. forces have holed up in the Tombs. They've put some serious effort into blocking the entrances. Our response team needs some extra bruiser muscle to force entry.

Deploy 4[]

Screen Text[]

Police hotlines just blew up with reports that robots are attacking the Brooklyn Bridge. Check it out.


Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
We're not seeing anything on aerial surveillance, but there have been multiple reports of robots assembling at the Manhattan end of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Better check it out to be on the safe side.


Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Just a remediation team in hazmat suits cleaning up a diesel spill.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
People sure are jumpy these days.

Deploy 5[]

Screen Text[]

Send a hero to assist in clearing rubble from a firefight. An A.I.M. Power Armor suit blew up and made quite a mess.

Heroic Battle[]

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Screen Text[]

Abomination's been sighted along Broadway creating the world's biggest traffic jam. He must be working with A.I.M. in trying to slow down emergency response teams. Banner's moving in to take him out and clear the streets.


Hey, Bruce. How's Betty doing? Abomination:
Abomination Icon

Hulk Icon 1
Haven't seen her in a while. I still owe you for what you did to her.

Yeah, revenge is sweet. But it never quite stops me from wanting to watch you die. Abomination:
Abomination Icon


So weak! What are you? Banner! Abomination:
Abomination Icon


Now I got you, once and for all. Abomination:
Abomination Icon


You're still thinking about her, aren't you? Abomination:
Abomination Icon

Hulk Icon 1
No. Mostly thinking about you in pieces.

We're about to be our own epidemic of green-on-green violence. Abomination:
Abomination Icon


Hulk Icon 1
He mentioned Betty. Something you want to tell me, Fury?

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
You know Abomination. Only thing he cares about is getting under your skin.

Hulk Icon 1
That's not an answer.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
We are in the middle of a mission, Banner. This is neither the time nor place for this conversation.

Hulk Icon 1
Soon as we're done here.

MiniBoss - Nitro[]

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Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Nitro is here, ready to detonate. We're getting force-field projectors in place, but we also need someone to go in and take him down.

Red Hulk:
Red Hulk Icon 1
I'll do it.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Whoa. Um, General, have you gone through the most recent S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel screening?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
What he really means is, does Fury know you're here?

Red Hulk:
Red Hulk Icon 1
He and I have an understanding. Now do you want me to do this or not?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
By all means. Agent, I believe you've already met General Thunderbolt Ross, currently presenting as Red Hulk. He's been kind of a free agent acting on our behalf for a while, and now he's fully signed on.


I'm no robot expert, but you don't look like the Omega Sentinel to me. Nitro:
Nitro Icon

Red Hulk:
Red Hulk Icon 1
Nobody ever fooled you, did they?

... Nitro:
Nitro Icon

Red Hulk:
Red Hulk Icon 1
Yeah. Now go ahead and blow up if you want to. Then I'll get to work.


Bit off a little more than you could chew there, huh? Nitro:
Nitro Icon


Red Hulk:
Red Hulk Icon 1
Throw your best punch first. It may be the only one you get.


Red Hulk:
Red Hulk Icon 1
Nitro wore himself out. Then I wore him out. You got a cell that'll hold him, Stark?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
You bet. There's a whole new wing of the Vault just for guys who like to blow themselves up.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
General Ross, I haven't had a chance to tell you this, but it's a real pleasure having you on the team.

Red Hulk:
Red Hulk Icon 1
We'll see how long that feeling lasts, Sparky.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Yeah, Sparky. Just ask him for an autograph already, why don't you.

Boss - M.O.D.O.K.[]


Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
M.O.D.O.K. is in sight. Agent, stand by for debriefing.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
We've planned a swap to draw him out. We're going to send Karima and then throw in Red Hulk as an added bonus, if you know what I mean.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
M.O.D.O.K. will figure it out fast, so we're going to need to strike faster. You ready, General Ross?

Red Hulk:
Red Hulk Icon 1
Let's go.


I detect active sentience in this Sentinel. That was not part of the agreement. M.O.D.O.K.:
M.O.D.O.K. Icon

Omega Sentinel:
Omega Sentinel Icon 1
I believe the terms have changed.

Get on with your ambush, S.H.I.E.L.D., so that I may destroy your forces and make use of my prize. M.O.D.O.K.:
M.O.D.O.K. Icon

Red Hulk:
Red Hulk Icon 1
Big changes.

Ah, my creation! Your presence makes this occasion all the more satisfying. M.O.D.O.K.:
M.O.D.O.K. Icon


Come with me, Sentinel. We have much work to do together. M.O.D.O.K.:
M.O.D.O.K. Icon


Red Hulk:
Red Hulk Icon 1
Still feeling satisfied, M.O.D.O.K.?

Can't hear you.

Yeah. That's what I thought.

Mission Complete[]

Back to top ↑

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
City Hall is still standing, the Omega Sentinel didn't go haywire, and Red Hulk managed not to burn the city down. For once, it was a good day.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Glad to see he's made the choice to get more involved.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
He's a general. I guess it's in his blood.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
If Ross has committed to help, we can use him. We can use everyone.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
There's the word from the top, then. As long as he and Banner aren't going to fight. I don't think we've got the repair and reconstruction budget for that.

Hulk Icon 1
If he doesn't start something, I won't finish it. Fury, you have something to tell me.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
I do. Team, Hulk and I need the room. While we get this straightened out, the rest of you get ready for a quick jaunt to San Francisco.

Mission 3[]

Mission Start[]

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Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
We're headed west again, Agent. The Wrecking Crew is providing cover for a Jotun assault on an archive in San Francisco.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Circle of 8 cultists are all over the place, too.

Valkyrie Icon 1
I tried to hold the four of them away from their target, but there were too many with their Jotun support.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Shouldn't be a problem now that the gang's all here.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
What's this archive?

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
It appears to be a museum and tourist trap related to Pacific exploration. There's also a whale-watching tour.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Oh, good. That'll be our treat once we're all done.

Deploy 1[]

Screen Text[]

Thor is searching for the portal the Jotun used to enter San Francisco. Looks like he's found it.


Thor Icon 1
Fury. The portal is here. It is also heavily guarded.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Do you see a way to shut it down?

Thor Icon 1
Perhaps. One of the Jotun holds a magical staff. It may be the focus of the enchantment keeping the portal open.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
How about you take it away from him and break it over his head? Then if the portal closes, we'll know.

Thor Icon 1
I like this plan!


Thor Icon 1
The portal is closed. The Jotun already here are stranded. This will make them fight even harder.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Then we'll need you on the front lines.

Thor Icon 1
That is where I belong.

Deploy 2[]

Screen Text[]

The Circle of 8 is up to no good in this abandoned bowling alley. Hercules is closest.


Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Herc, if you head south to the next light and take a left, you'll see an abandoned bowling alley.

Hercules Icon 1
Yes. What of it?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
It's full of Circle of 8 cultists.

Hercules Icon 1
Ah. To battle!


Hercules Icon 1
I have sent these cultists to their afterlives. But before I arrived, they did some killing of their own. The fallen... it has been long since they were counted among the living.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Can you get a camera on the bodies... okay, thanks. Running facial recognition...

Rattan and Luis Reyes.

Deploy 3[]

Screen Text[]

Emma Frost has psychically tapped a group of Circle of 8 cultists here. She's going to disable them, but we'll need to have a team in place to capture and hold them when they wake up.


Emma Frost:
Emma Frost Icon 1
I'm ready whenever the insensate-cultist removal service becomes available. No hurry.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
They're on the way, Emma. I know your social calendar is full, but do us the favor of hanging around until the cultists are in our custody.

Emma Frost:
Emma Frost Icon 1
For you, Nicholas? Of course.


Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Now the fun starts. Let's see if we can get any sense out of these whackjobs back on the Helicarrier.

Emma Frost:
Emma Frost Icon 1
Am I excused?

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
With S.H.I.E.L.D.'s eternal gratitude.

Deploy 4[]

Screen Text[]

SFPD needs tac support. They're trying to keep Jotun away from a power substation. Lend them a hand.

Deploy 5[]

Screen Text[]

Looks like we missed one of the Circle of 8's victims. Get a hero out to help recover the body and start the investigation.


Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
We missed a body last time we were here. An old lady walking her dog found it.

It's pretty decayed, but SFPD is telling us it's definitely a S.H.I.E.L.D. problem. By which they mean it's some kind of superhuman.

Clothespins on noses, people, and let's find out who it is.


Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
It's Looter. We've confirmed he's been here for a while. That makes an even eight from the Circle of 8's last spree.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
They are aptly named... It's officially a pattern now, people. So let's find out why.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Do you suspect a relationship to the meteor impacts, sir?

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
There might be. If we ever find one of the meteors, we'll know more. So let's find one.

Heroic Battle[]

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Screen Text[]

Should have known. Whenever Jotun's suddenly appear, the Enchantress can't be too far. Amora has been sighted teleporting Jotuns around San Francisco. Let's corner her and send in Lady Sif to bring her in.


Sif Icon 1
I had no doubt we would eventually turn over the right rock and find you beneath it.

Oh, don't be petty. I've brought you a little present. Do not look so downtrodden, child! I think you will enjoy it. Enchantress:
Enchantress Icon

Sif Icon 1
I would enjoy seeing you exiled forever to Svartalfheim, or another place equally desolate.

Darling girl, all places will soon be that desolate, or hadn't you heard? I will take the Odinson and spirit him away to another universe. You will die. Enchantress:
Enchantress Icon


Still playing at swords with the boys, Sif? I don't blame you. With your looks, it's the only way you'll ever be close to a man.

Think you to find glorious victory here, battle-maid? You will be sorely disappointed. Your steel is an ill match for my sorcery.

Ugh, smells like something died in a tin can... oh, hello Sif!

Don't you know that heroes prefer blondes?

Enchantress Icon


You forget, as always, that you are a shield-maiden. One of thousands. There is no other like me.

I make men do as I will. Even the Odinson. You cannot contest that.

If the world is to end, it will end on my terms.

Enchantress Icon


Sif Icon 1
You will not have Thor. He is pledged to another.

The pledges of men are easily broken by women, raven-hair. You know this as well as I. Enchantress:
Enchantress Icon


Sif Icon 1
Whatever Amora has in the way of a heart, it is surely given over to Thor.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Thor, your rebuttal?

Thor Icon 1
I never asked it of her, nor accepted it when it was offered. You know this to be true.

Sif Icon 1
I know you have sworn it to be true. Let us speak of something else.

MiniBoss - Piledriver/Bulldozer/Thunderball[]

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Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
We've got three of the Wrecking Crew right here. Valkyrie?

Valkyrie Icon 1
Should we wait to see if the Wrecker joins them?

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
It's just as likely one of them will leave. Three's too good to pass up. Let's move.


Valkyrie Icon 1
The Wrecker left you behind to take all his punishment yet again. When will you learn?

What we learned a while back, miss, is not to be lectured by people like you. Thunderball:
Thunderball Icon

If you're even really a person. Piledriver:
Piledriver Icon

And speakin' of what you're speakin' of, how come Fury and Xavier don't come out to fight their own battles? Huh? Bulldozer:
Bulldozer Icon

Good question. What do you say, Valkyrie? Piledriver:
Piledriver Icon

Valkyrie Icon 1
I take the battlefield willingly, for a cause I believe in. Can you say the same?


I guess believing in a cause doesn't win fights for you, does it? Thunderball:
Thunderball Icon


I still don't see Fury. Tell him to bring his eyepatch out here! Bulldozer:
Bulldozer Icon


Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
I liked them better when they talked less.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
We'll give them some lessons in proper deportment on the Raft so they don't offend your sensibilities. Would that suit you, Mr. Stark?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Nick, I think Coulson here would be a valued asset at a S.H.I.E.L.D. satellite office in maybe Ulan Bator.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
I think you leave personnel decisions to me, and tell me why they're after records from a whale-watching boat.

Boss - Wrecker[]

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Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
The Wrecker used the other three to buy time while he broke into the archive and back out of it. He's holding something.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Then we'd better take it away from him.

Valkyrie Icon 1


Hey, sweetheart. Love the braids. Wrecker:
Wrecker Icon

Valkyrie Icon 1
Your three compatriots did not stoop to complimenting my hair.

I never claimed to have any class. Now step out of the way and I won't have to wrap my crowbar around your pretty little neck. Wrecker:
Wrecker Icon

Valkyrie Icon 1
You are a strong man, Dirk Garthwaite. But you are only a man.


You're just dying to know my secret, aren't you, honey? Wrecker:
Wrecker Icon


Valkyrie Icon 1
This time I wrap that crowbar around your neck, thief.


Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Wrecker's down?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Wrecker's down.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Let's get a look at that folder.

Valkyrie Icon 1
I fear all of its contents did not survive our battle.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Then we'll look at what did survive, and figure out the rest.

Epic Boss - Destroyer[]

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Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Pull the recovery team out of there!

Valkyrie Icon 1

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Someone left us a little trap.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Oh, I bet we can guess who.


Valkyrie Icon 1
Agent, the Destroyer grows ever stronger. So too must we.


Valkyrie Icon 1
We must not be defeated, Agent.


Valkyrie Icon 1
Automaton, you are unleashed in the service of evil. Stand down or be destroyed.


Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
That's a hell of a fight, Valkyrie. You do us proud.

Valkyrie Icon 1
Asgard must solve the problems Asgard creates.

Mission Complete[]

Back to top ↑

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
The records they were after concern a deep-sea expedition from four years ago.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
That's it? A deep-sea expedition?

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
That's right, boss. And the records were damaged in the encounter with the Wrecker, so we can't be sure what was in them.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Run down the crew and find out what they did. What they found, what they were looking for and didn't find... all of it.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
On it, boss.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Agent, while Coulson goes to the library, we're headed back to New York to get reacquainted with the Hellfire Club. They're making some noise.

Mission 4[]

Mission Start[]

Back to top ↑

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Blizzard and Titanium Man have turned a bunch of Test Subjects loose on a Hellfire Club safe house here.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
It looks like there's some Circle of 8-related material there. Seems that the Brotherhood wants it, and the Circle of 8 is tearing everything up to keep them from getting it.

Professor X:
Professor X Dialogue
Are we certain the Brotherhood is behind this?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Yeah, we are. We were able to track the Test Subjects straight from a Brotherhood hideout across town.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Blizzard was telling the truth about who's paying him. And now they're going after the Hellfire Club.

Angel Icon 1
I thought the Brotherhood was trying to infiltrate the Hellfire Club.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Maybe the sneaky approach wasn't working. Angel, we're going to need an inside perspective here.

Emma Frost:
Emma Frost Icon 1
You already have one.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Another one, then.

Angel Icon 1
Happy to provide it.

Deploy 1[]

Screen Text[]

Spiral has been hunting Test Subjects and trying to track the Brotherhood's activities in Lower Manhattan. She's found something interesting...


Spiral Icon 1
This is an old Hellfire Club safe house. There are no Hellfire Club elements here now, but it's full of Circle of 8 cultists.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Get in there. They may be preparing a sacrifice.


Spiral Icon 1
I was too late. There is a pair of bodies here. They're posed like they're fighting.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Let us get a visual... okay, ID confirmed. Aimi Yoshida and Dr. Megalomann.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
They seem to be careful not to take on more than they can handle with these murders.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
They're counting deaths. A more powerful opponent would still only be one.

Deploy 2[]

Screen Text[]

A Hellfire Club courier is trying to get to the airport. He's undercover and we want to catch him without arousing too much notice. Send Bishop to play cop and bring him in.


Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Bishop, we're sending you data on a Hellfire Club courier who's on his way to JFK, traveling incognito. Bring him in.

Bishop Icon 1
On my way.


Bishop Icon 1
I'm in the taxi with the courier on the way back from JFK. He needed a little subduing.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
As long as he wakes up so we can question him. Tell the cabbie to head for Avengers Tower.

Deploy 3[]

Screen Text[]

Hellfire Club fighters are trapped here, but they're about to break out. The field team in place won't be able to hold them. Send a hero to stop the breakout and take them down.

Deploy 4[]

Screen Text[]

Fleeing Test Subjects have gotten into the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel. Cut them off before they get into Brooklyn.

Deploy 5[]

Screen Text[]

Time to start mopping up. Send a hero out to sweep for stragglers, either Hellfire Club or Test Subjects, who might have gotten through our security perimeter.

Heroic Battle[]

Back to top ↑

Screen Text[]

Avalanche, Dragoness, and Toad are calling out the X-Men for a showdown. Could be a diversion while the other Brotherhood members take down the Hellfire Club? Still, let's not disappoint them. We're clearing out the area and sending in Colossus, Cyclops, and Storm to handle the situation.


Cyclops Icon 1
It's time we got a few things straight.

Storm Icon 1
One: The Hellfire Club is not your puppet show. Two: The Brotherhood does not speak for all mutants.

Maybe you hadn't noticed, your majesty, but neither do the X-Men. Avalanche:
Avalanche Icon

And as far as the Hellfire Club is concerned, it is what we say it is. Dragoness:
Dragoness Icon


You haven't seen the last of us, X-Jerks! Dragoness:
Dragoness Icon

This isn't over, X-Men! Avalanche:
Avalanche Icon

No... more... lightning... please... Toad:
Toad Icon


Did your little plan backfire, Scott Summers? Perhaps you ought to listen to someone other then Xavier... or Emma Frost. Dragoness:
Dragoness Icon

We don't need their kumbaya crap. We need to fight. Toad:
Toad Icon


Like Dragoness said, the Hellfire Club is what we say it is. Same with the Brotherhood. Toad:
Toad Icon

Storm Icon 1
Until someone else says something different. Then you'll follow them, Toad. That is what you do.

But not what I do, Queen Ororo of Wakanda. I do not follow. Perhaps I will accept you when you decide to follow me. Dragoness:
Dragoness Icon


Cyclops Icon 1
That sent a message.

Professor X:
Professor X Dialogue
Mystique rarely listens to such messages, Scott. We'll likely have to send it again.

Our own assets within the Hellfire Club will also have to do their part.

MiniBoss - Titanium Man[]

Back to top ↑


Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Titanium Man just blasted his way into this house. Let's get him before he comes out.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Angel, push his buttons a little, see what you can learn.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Pushing his buttons is pretty easy. Understanding what he says... that's a different kind of trick.


Hey, rich kid. Don't like riffraff in your club? Maybe we make it our club. Titanium Man:
Titanium Man Icon

Angel Icon 1
Oh, I think you'll be a little surprised once Mystique decides she doesn't need you anymore.

Then is good you are here! More we fight, more she need us. Titanium Man:
Titanium Man Icon


I think I have chair in club engraved with my name. Titanium Man:
Titanium Man Icon


Angel Icon 1
I was willing to give you a chance before, but I'm not sure you have the right... demeanor for Hellfire Club membership.


Angel Icon 1
He doesn't really have the finesse club membership requires. You need to be able to take the long view, have a bit of a light touch.

Riffraff is as riffraff does, I guess.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
What about the Circle of 8?

Emma Frost:
Emma Frost Icon 1
The Hellfire Club has been gathering material on them for some time. Funny that Mystique doesn't already have access to it.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Sebastian Shaw must not trust her as much as she'd like.

Professor X:
Professor X Dialogue
Would you?

Boss - Blizzard[]

Back to top ↑


Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
This one bothers me. Blizzard looks like a connection between the Brotherhood and HYDRA.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Follow the money...

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Yeah, Deep Throat. I know. Let's take him down and see if we can't find out.


Angel Icon 1
If you wanted Hellfire Club library privileges, all you had to do was ask.

As it is, you seem to be stealing the property of this house. I'm afraid I can't permit that.

Mystique said you were kind of mealy-mouthed. Man, she was right. Blizzard:
Blizzard Icon

Angel Icon 1
You can call it whatever you want. I don't see any value in bluster. Actions are what I prefer to be judged by.

Well, take action then, and let's see how to judge you. Blizzard:
Blizzard Icon


Maybe you're the one who's not welcome in the Hellfire Club any more. Ever think about that? Blizzard:
Blizzard Icon


You heal up quick, kid. It's gonna wear me out putting a new hurt on you. Blizzard:
Blizzard Icon


Angel Icon 1
Blizzard's down and I have recovered the Circle of 8 materials he was after. There's a reason for the sacrifices.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Mind telling us what it is?

Angel Icon 1
It's maybe not something that should be discussed out in the open.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Then get it back to the Helicarrier pronto and let's figure it out.

Mission Complete[]

Back to top ↑

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Remember, this is just Hellfire Club speculations about what the Circle of 8 thinks they're doing.

In other words, this is a long way from verifiable.

But it looks like they think these killings are some kind of sacrifice.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
For what? To what?

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
That's all we know at this point, sir. Further speculation would just muddy the waters, and that's the last thing we need.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
The only thing that's certain is the Brotherhood is hiring nonmutant muscle. Defections must be hurting them.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Or they wanted to keep a distance from this attack on the Hellfire Club.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Possible. But also speculation. Which, as we know, disturbs Agent Coulson's delicate sensibilities.

Mission 5[]

Mission Start[]

Back to top ↑

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
A strike force of Servo Guards is trying to breach the Baxter Building... led by none other than Mr. Extremis himself, Savin.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
And he's got Whiplash working with him, too.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Thundra chased Whiplash off once, but he's still at large. We should expect to see him again.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Thundra, what's the status out there?

Thundra Icon 1
I have determined Whiplash's location, but Savin evades me.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Let's get some of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s surveillance capacity directed that way, shall we?

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
A fine idea, Mr. Stark. Thundra, we've got an Agent coming out to meet you.

Deploy 1[]

Screen Text[]

There's a trap set at this location, using randomly firing energy weapons. It's protecting a signal booster someone is using to control the Servo Guards. Send Domino to take it out.


Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Domino, we need you to step through a complicated trap Savin's goons have set up.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Basically, any time someone gets close to this booster, a bunch of particle beams fire from random directions.

We can't just blow the thing up because that would turn the Servo Guards completely loose and cause chaos.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
So we need you to put your probability manipulation to work and reprogram the booster.

Domino Icon 1
Dodging particle beams is a hobby of mine. Give me five minutes.


Domino Icon 1
All done.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
We can tell. A number of Servo Guards just shut themselves down. Good work.

Deploy 2[]

Screen Text[]

The attack has left the Baxter Building with compromised security. Colossus has volunteered to stand guard at the freight entrance while Reed's techs get the alarms rebooted.


Mr. Fantastic:
Mr. Fantastic Icon 1
Appreciate the help, Colossus. We'll get everything back online as soon as possible.

Colossus Icon 1
I will watch as long as I am needed.


Mr. Fantastic:
Mr. Fantastic Icon 1
This part of the perimeter alarm is reset. Security measures are back in place. Thanks again, Piotr.

Colossus Icon 1
Now I will go and make sure the rest of our enemies do not reach this far again.

Deploy 3[]

Screen Text[]

Savin has returned to this location twice since we first spotted him in the area. Someone ought to sneak in there and see what his home base looks like.


Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
If Savin keeps coming back here, there's intel to be had. Someone creep the place and find out.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Why not just ambush him there?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
We'll be fighting him again soon enough. I'd rather collect whatever he's got without him knowing it first.


Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Our operatives copied a number of drives, sir. We'll need some time to sift through it all.

Deploy 4[]

Screen Text[]

A jogger in this area found a body ceremonially positioned along the docks by the Liberty Island ferry terminal. Let's bring it in and ID it.


Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Another Circle of 8 victim, looks like. Let's find out who it is this time.


Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Warthog. These cult wackos sure keep themselves busy.

Deploy 5[]

Screen Text[]

Stake out the Latverian Embassy to see what Doom is up to. Either he's involved in this attack or someone is controlling Servo Guards. Either way, we need to know.


Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Really looks like Doom is clean this time.

Heroic Battle[]

Back to top ↑

Screen Text[]

Now what's this? Seems Crimson Cowl is taking advantage of Savin's attack on the Baxter Building to sneak in herself. Captain Britain's on the way to show her to the exit, posthaste.


Captain Britain:
Captain Britain Icon 1
And what do you think you're up to, milady in red?

Wait a minute. This isn't Grand Central Station! Crimson Cowl:
Crimson Cowl Icon

Captain Britain:
Captain Britain Icon 1
Nice try, lass. I have a feeling you know exactly where you're going.

And I have a feeling you won't be able to stop me. Crimson Cowl:
Crimson Cowl Icon


And so to the Baxter Building, where I hear Reed has all kind of interesting gadgets in development... Crimson Cowl:
Crimson Cowl Icon


Captain Britain:
Captain Britain Icon 1
Think you made a wrong turn again, miss.


Captain Britain:
Captain Britain Icon 1
Who's that one?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Oh, that would be one Justine Hammer, daughter of one of my many mortal enemies. She likes to call herself the Crimson Cowl.

Captain Britain:
Captain Britain Icon 1
Ought to call her the Blingin' Bird. I've still got spots in my eyes. Some flash she has.

MiniBoss - Whiplash[]

Back to top ↑


Thundra Icon 1
Whiplash is within my sight. There appears to be a surge of Servo Guards emanating from this place.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Sounds like two good reasons to go in with some force.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Where's Doom, anyway?

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
He has just issued an official embassy statement declaring that he has nothing to do with this.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Nobody could have predicted that, huh?


Thundra Icon 1
Stand you ready to fight the force of womanhood?

Sure. I like strong woman. Whiplash:
Whiplash Icon

Thundra Icon 1
I have no interest in what you like. Confess who is paying you, and I might lessen your beating. A bit.

You know Savin, yes? No? Soon you will. Ask him your question. Whiplash:
Whiplash Icon


Not strong woman like I thought. Bah. Whiplash:
Whiplash Icon


Thundra Icon 1
Stop hiding behind your robots and face me, man.


Thundra Icon 1
His base is ours, but Whiplash himself has disappeared. A flood of Servo Guards appeared to cover his retreat.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Flood of Servo Guards? I don't see any at all.

Thundra Icon 1
The pieces of them are still down in Whiplash's retreat.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Field forensics are sixty seconds out.

Boss - Savin[]

Back to top ↑


Thundra Icon 1
I have located Savin.

Mr. Fantastic:
Mr. Fantastic Icon 1
So have we. He's disabled security protocols in the whole building and locked himself inside. We can't get in.

Thundra Icon 1
I will, Richards. If you don't mind me kicking down the door, that is.

Mr. Fantastic:
Mr. Fantastic Icon 1
Feel free. The neighborhood association's been after me to renovate anyway.

On a more serious note: I've been doing some nanotech work that we do not want Savin to get.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Okay. You heard the man. Go get him, Thundra.


Oh, it's Our Lady of Future Parthenogenesis. Savin:
Savin Icon

Thundra Icon 1
Joke all you want. There's not much humor in sending out an army of robots to do your dirty work.

Just getting you warmed up. They're nothing compared to my nano-tech.

Get ready, things are about to get hot.

Savin Icon


I heard about you, Woman of the Future. How do you like this version of the Future Man? Savin:
Savin Icon


Thundra Icon 1
Nanomachines or no, you are still a man: weak in the face of my strength.


Thundra Icon 1
The army of Servo Guards has been contained. I inadvertently sent Savin through a wall. He took advantage to escape.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
That's good work, Thundra--whoa. Hold the area. We'll be back in touch in a minute.

Fury. A brief word. Dr. Doom:
Dr. Doom Icon

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Don't bother trying to defend yourself.

I have no need of defending myself, Fury. Because you and I are not currently in opposition, I am informing you that I had no part in Savin's actions.

That does not mean I condemn them, or that I support them. That is all.

Dr. Doom:
Dr. Doom Icon

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Well, sunuvah... when you can't even count on Victor von Doom to give you a straight answer, the world must really be going nuts.

Mission Complete[]

Back to top ↑

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Mr. Richards, I hope your nanotech materials are safe?

Mr. Fantastic:
Mr. Fantastic Icon 1
Savin didn't get to them before Thundra got to him. So that's good. Much appreciated, Thundra.

Thundra Icon 1
You are welcome.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Time for a little intelligence sharing, Reed. Whatcha got?

Mr. Fantastic:
Mr. Fantastic Icon 1
It's not a viable design yet, but I'm always working on ways to extend the lives of different Iso-8 variants. I believe there are nanotechnological ways to do that.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
If you'll remember, Mr. Stark, Mr. Richards did much of the early work to understand the nature of Iso-8.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Um, yeah. That's because some of us were out fighting bad guys.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Much as I love an egghead catfight, we've got more immediate problems. Prep for trans-Atlantic flight. We're headed for Wakanda.

Mission 6[]

Mission Start[]

Back to top ↑

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
The scourge of Iso-8 has reached Wakanda.

The White Gorillas have been poisoned with it, and they rise in rebellion.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
The gorillas? Seriously?

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
Not the animals. A mercenary army that bears the same name.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Who did the poisoning?

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
M'Baku, surely. Though he has yet to claim the deed. And he could not have acted alone.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
There's nothing unusual with Man-Ape making a move to usurp the throne, but using Iso-8 on the White Gorillas is new. Also, he's got Grim Reaper working with him.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
I have same question I did last time we saw Grim Reaper here. Is that the Maggia expanding into Wakanda? Or is it HYDRA?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
We'll get to the bottom of it, T'Challa. Agent, you're going to love M'Baku.

Deploy 1[]

Screen Text[]

HYDRA will be focusing on a vibranium stockpile here. Send Ms. Marvel to guard it until T'Challa can get his full security measures in place.


Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
We store vibranium here in preparation for processing and scientific use. HYDRA must not capture this stockpile, but the supplemental defenses are not completed.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Ms. Marvel, you're big and bad enough to scare off any HYDRA team that comes sniffing around. You're on duty until T'Challa has everything arranged to his liking.

Ms. Marvel:
Ms. Marvel Icon 1
Got it. At your disposal, T'Challa.


Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
All is ready. Rejoin the S.H.I.E.L.D. duty rotation.

Ms. Marvel:
Ms. Marvel Icon 1
You hear that, Fury? I'm ready to stretch my legs a little after all that standing around on guard.

Although it did give me time to think... could be time to make some changes. Freshen up the look, maybe let S.H.I.E.L.D. know I'm going to change my name.

Deploy 2[]

Screen Text[]

There's a HYDRA installation here. HYDRA doesn't know we know about it. We'd like to get a look inside to see what we can learn before we wreck it. It's a job for Wasp.


Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Wasp, we need eyes inside this facility. Maybe you can do your incredible-shrinking-woman thing? In and out, no fuss no muss?

Wasp Icon 1
I'll do it in style, Tony. Too bad no one will see it.


Wasp Icon 1
You should have just leveled the place. It's full of arms stockpiles and HYDRA soldiers taking beauty naps.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
All righty. It just moved up the target list.

Deploy 3[]

Screen Text[]

We've found another Circle of 8 victim, this time in London. Send Hank Pym to examine the body.


Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Hank, the Mandrill's body has been found in London. Can you get there and oversee the initial exam?

Hank Pym:
Hank Pym Icon 1
I'm not really a mortician, Fury.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Look for signs of biological weapons, nanotech... anything that might give us a lead on what killed Mandrill and how.


Hank Pym:
Hank Pym Icon 1
Nothing. Waste of time. They killed Mandrill the old-fashioned way, with knives.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Now we know.

Deploy 4[]

Screen Text[]

Send a hero to ride shotgun on a shipment of vibranium to a secure facility. We'd shelter it in place, but it's too far from the city to keep a good watch over.

Deploy 5[]

Screen Text[]

Some of the White Gorillas are going into catatonic fugues from Iso-8 reactions. Let's sweep them up before they cause any more trouble than they already have.

Heroic Battle[]

Back to top ↑

Screen Text[]

Baron Zemo seems to have placed an interest in vibranium research labs. Send Mockingbird to put the shakedown on him and any HYDRA agents he might have with him.


Mockingbird Icon 1
Looking to franchise the HYDRA brand in Wakanda, Zemo? I don't think T'Challa's going to let that happen.

I don't see T'Challa. All I see is you, with your sticks and your earnestness.


Baron Zemo:
Baron Zemo Icon


Mockingbird Icon 1
Come on, Zemo. Only one goon for me to take out?

You must be getting pretty low on the Hydra totem pole.

You forget, my dear. Cut off one head... Baron Zemo:
Baron Zemo Icon

Mockingbird Icon 1
Me and my big mouth.


HYDRA's heads are without number. You see now the futility of opposing us.

This world, for as long as it yet may exist, belongs to HYDRA... and when the final Incursions have passed, whatever Earth remains, that too will belong to HYDRA.

Baron Zemo:
Baron Zemo Icon


Mockingbird Icon 1
T'Challa, Zemo's on the run. You seeing any HYDRA presence with Man-Ape?

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
He was keeping company with both the Viper and Grim Reaper. We may draw our own conclusions from that, I think.

Mockingbird Icon 1
Got it. I'll keep chasing after HYDRA leadership. Wakanda's too nice a place to have it ruined by HYDRA.

MiniBoss - Grim Reaper[]

Back to top ↑


Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
There's Grim Reaper, and that sure looks like HYDRA support troops along with the White Gorillas.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
It sure does. T'Challa, are you seeing this?

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
I am. With me, Agent.


Time to go full-on multinational. There's too much in the way of resources here for you to keep them all to yourself. Grim Reaper:
Grim Reaper Icon

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
That's not your decision to make. And certainly not HYDRA's. Whose man are you? Do you belong to HYDRA, or your criminal syndicate?

You cannot answer, can you? Well, I will tell you who I belong to.

This land, these people. I do not yield to traitors, nor those who bankroll them.

Noble. But lousy business. See, this isn't a merger. It's a hostile takeover. Grim Reaper:
Grim Reaper Icon


Not your land anymore. HYDRA doesn't believe in national boundaries. Grim Reaper:
Grim Reaper Icon


You keep coming back to the table, but the terms of the deal aren't going to change. Grim Reaper:
Grim Reaper Icon


Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
Grim Reaper is in custody of the state of Wakanda.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
10-4, T'Challa. Let us know if you'd like S.H.I.E.L.D. to hang onto him for you.

MiniBoss - Viper[]

Back to top ↑


Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Not just Grim Reaper adding a HYDRA flavor to Man-Ape's coup attempt. We've got the Viper in on it, too.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Also, Your Majesty, I think it's not just Iso-8 being used to derange the White Gorillas. Surveillance is picking up a broadcast frequency that might be a mind-control device.

It's along the same lines as tech Arnim Zola has been known to use.

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
Maybe there is hope for the White Gorillas yet. Once I'm done with the Viper, we'll see.


Ah, the soon-to-be former king of Wakanda. You're too late, T'Challa. Once HYDRA has a foothold in a place, we cannot be displaced. Viper:
Viper Icon

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
I believe Arnim Zola recently learned otherwise in London. And you yourself in New York, correct?

After all, I don't see any evidence that you have the secret of Pym Particles.

Not yet. But if you think there is no HYDRA in New York or London, you are delusional. As you are if you think you stand a chance against us here. Viper:
Viper Icon


This is a fine place for a new HYDRA command center... once the rabble is removed. Viper:
Viper Icon


Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
You may have tricked M'Baku, but he is a fool. It is far harder to deceive those who believe in something more than themselves.


Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
Capture the rest of the White Gorillas while I go after the Viper.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
We're on it. Don't chase her too far, though. We're going to need you around here.

Boss - Man-Ape[]

Back to top ↑


Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
The White Gorillas are surrounding this location. Surely M'Baku is here.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Then let's go get him.

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
Capture the White Gorillas if you can. Whatever their crimes, they are still sons and daughters of Wakanda.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
We'll go easy on the gorillas. If there are more HYDRA assets around, though...


Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
M'Baku. You know it is worth your life to return to Wakanda.

I know you said so. But you will not kill me, T'Challa. You lack the heart of a true killer, which is why you never lack for challengers to your throne. Man-Ape:
Man-Ape Icon

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
Usurpers, you mean. Like all usurpers, you will answer for your crimes.

And your alliance with HYDRA? You sicken me. What will they do to Wakanda and its people once they have used you as their wedge?

You are not king over me! I and I alone decide what my crimes might be.

White Gorillas, to me! Depose the Panther!

Man-Ape Icon


The Panther Cult is a dying superstition, T'Challa. And you weaken with it. Man-Ape:
Man-Ape Icon


Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
The White Gorilla Cult is murderous sorcery, M'Baku. Unfit to rule. Unfit to do anything but disappear.


Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
The Man-Ape has fled, and the remaining White Gorillas are surrendering.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
I think we can detox them the same way we did the Test Subjects. Reed?

Mr. Fantastic:
Mr. Fantastic Icon 1
Agreed. That should work, but we'll need some of them in a lab to make sure.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Even when we're done, they'll still be mercenary rebels.

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
And they will face justice here in Wakanda.

Epic Boss - Venom[]

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Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
HYDRA, Iso-8-crazed White Gorillas, Man-Ape leading an uprising... and now we get Venom!?

What is going on here? I thought that Flash guy was Venom now.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
The symbiote must have divided itself.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Is that possible? How many symbiotes are we going to end up with?

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
Why waste time with idle questions? I will go and remove the threat.


We are in the presence of royalty! Flattering, and we have never killed a king. Venom:
Venom Icon

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
Nor will you today.

What does royal blood taste like? We shall see... Venom:
Venom Icon


We taste royal blood... Venom:
Venom Icon


Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
You follow chaos, monster? Follow it somewhere else. There will be order in Wakanda.

We create our own chaos where we find none, O King of Wakanda. As you shall see. Venom:
Venom Icon


Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
T'Challa, we are tracking Venom. Are you in pursuit?

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
No. It is fleeing and I have other things to deal with.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Understood. We'll try to run him down.

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
The body of the Mandrill is here as well, but I do not think we can blame Venom for it. There are clear signs the Circle of 8 has been here.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
They're going international too. Dammit, it's about time we nailed down what they're up to.

How's the investigation of those Hellfire Club files going, Coulson?

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
I think I'll have a firm grasp on the situation soon, boss. Getting there as fast as we can.

Mission Complete[]

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Iso-8-fueled unrest spreading to Wakanda is bad news.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
It was always going to happen, Nick. There's vibranium here, and T'Challa's been working on ways to put it together with Iso-8. HYDRA was always going to come after it.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
We can only fight on so many fronts. We're stretched thin.

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
As long as M'Baku is not in chains, he will look to undermine everything we do.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
S.H.I.E.L.D. has got your back, T'Challa. We stand together.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
I'd like to change the subject if I may. Your Majesty, I understand you've got something to add to our understanding of Incursions?

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
I do. But I want to say it once, with Reed Richards and Strange also present.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
All right. Let's make that meeting happen.
