Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 3 BlueEffect Icon 021
  Cold War Tech
Passive Attack Buff
 Outdated technology causes unpredictable effects each round
Related / Similar Effects:
Probability Field - Creates random buffs on all allies and random debuffs on all enemiesProbability Field - Creates random buffs on all allies and random debuffs on all enemies
 Probability Field
This Effect is a part of:
Enemy-Only Effects
Cold War Tech
Passive Attack Buff
Effect BG 3 BlueCold War Tech
 Outdated technology causes unpredictable effects each round


Name Action
Titanium Man Icon
 Titanium Man

Caused Effects[]

Unpredictable Effect Debuffs
Running Hot
Burning (2 rounds) - Taking damage every turn; Defense reduced; Cancelled by chilledBurning (2 rounds) - Taking damage every turn; Defense reduced; Cancelled by chilled
Shrapnel Burst
Bleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 timesBleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 times
Leaky Reactor
Radiation Exposure (3 rounds) - Deals damage every turn; Increases damage taken from energy attacksRadiation Exposure (3 rounds) - Deals damage every turn; Increases damage taken from energy attacks
 Radiation Exposure

Patch Notes[]

November 10, 2014 Patch Notes

    • Several effects have had their icons updated to reflect that they cannot be removed or are now passive effects
