Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Character Restricted Iso
Empowered Iso-8

—Image © Marvel and Playdom
Iso-8 Stats
Hero: Avalanche Avalanche
Availability and Requirements:
Season 2: Chapter 4 - Mission 4 - Heroic Battle Reward
Gold icon Cost: 30
Limited Edition Dates:
October 23, 2015 - October 30, 2015
Silver-icon Sell: 1,000
Collateral Empowered Iso-8 Collateral Empowered Iso-8
HERO  Avalanche
Character Restricted Iso Icon Sell: 1,000 Silver-icon
Collateral - Ally Sonic and Ground attacks have an increased chance to create falling debris, but no longer IncapacitateCollateral - Ally Sonic and Ground attacks have an increased chance to create falling debris, but no longer Incapacitate


Collateral - Ally Sonic and Ground attacks have an increased chance to create falling debris, but no longer IncapacitateCollateral - Ally Sonic and Ground attacks have an increased chance to create falling debris, but no longer Incapacitate


  • Ally Sonic and Ground attacks have an increased chance to cause falling debris, but no longer Incapacitate
