Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

The Atomic Collection consists of eight Comic Book Covers found in Atomic Lockboxes. Completing the collection results in the recruitment of Hyperion. It was first made available on July 29, 2015 as part of PVP Tournament: Season 23.

The Avengers Vol.1 #70
-Marvel Database page-
The Avengers Vol
Atomic: 1 of 8
Original Art By:
Sal Buscema, Sam Grainger
Originally Published:
November, 1969
Ah, Agent. I just got back from what you call the Savage Lands. It is truely amazing and beautiful place. What can I do for you?
The Mighty Thor Vol.1 #280
-Marvel Database page-
The Mighty Thor Vol
Atomic: 2 of 8
Original Art By:
Joe Sinnott
Originally Published:
February, 1979
You wanted to know more about my Earth. Ah, well, that's a long and tragic story. Suffice it to say that as far as I know no longer exists.
Squadron Supreme Vol.1 #7
-Marvel Database page-
Squadron Supreme Vol
Atomic: 3 of 8
Original Art By:
John Buscema, Bob Layton
Originally Published:
March, 1986
I was once my Earth's greatest champion, a legendary titan. I did all I could to guard our Great Society, even when I found fault in it.
Squadron Supreme Vol. 1 #8
-Marvel Database page-
Squadron Supreme Vol
Atomic: 4 of 8
Original Art By:
Bob Hall, Bob Layton
Originally Published:
April, 1986
Before I could begin to fix what was broken on my world, the skies turned red and another Earth appeared in the sky.
Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe
-Marvel Database page-
Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe
Atomic: 5 of 8
Original Art By:
Paul Ryan, Al Williamson
Originally Published:
October, 1989
I...held both worlds with my hands. I held them apart for as long as I could, but to no avail.
Squadron Sinister Vol.1
-Marvel Database page-
Squadron Sinister Vol
Atomic: 6 of 8
Original Art By:
Carlos Pacheco, Mariano Taibo, Frank Martin
Originally Published:
June, 2015
I don't know what, who, or even why it happened. It was almost like a force of nature.
Squadron Sinister Vol.1 #1
-Marvel Database page-
Squadron Sinister Vol
Atomic: 7 of 8
Original Art By:
Jim Cheung
Originally Published:
June, 2015
And even when it all ended, it did not take me. I was left alone in a void, like being left alive in a coffin.
Squadron Sinister Vol.1 #2
-Marvel Database page-
Squadron Sinister Vol
Atomic: 8 of 8
Original Art By:
Carlos Pacheco
Originally Published:
July, 2015
Now I hear similar events are taking place on this Earth I have sworn to protect. I will do whatever it takes to prevent another tragedy, Agent. This I promise.
