The Atomic Collection consists of eight Comic Book Covers found in Atomic Lockboxes . Completing the collection results in the recruitment of Hyperion . It was first made available on July 29, 2015 as part of PVP Tournament: Season 23 .
The Avengers Vol.1 #70-Marvel Database page -
Atomic: 1 of 8
Original Art By:
Sal Buscema, Sam Grainger
Originally Published:
November, 1969
Ah, Agent. I just got back from what you call the Savage Lands. It is truely amazing and beautiful place. What can I do for you?
The Mighty Thor Vol.1 #280-Marvel Database page -
Atomic: 2 of 8
Original Art By:
Joe Sinnott
Originally Published:
February, 1979
You wanted to know more about my Earth. Ah, well, that's a long and tragic story. Suffice it to say that as far as I know no longer exists.
Squadron Supreme Vol.1 #7-Marvel Database page -
Atomic: 3 of 8
Original Art By:
John Buscema, Bob Layton
Originally Published:
March, 1986
I was once my Earth's greatest champion, a legendary titan. I did all I could to guard our Great Society, even when I found fault in it.
Squadron Supreme Vol. 1 #8-Marvel Database page -
Atomic: 4 of 8
Original Art By:
Bob Hall, Bob Layton
Originally Published:
April, 1986
Before I could begin to fix what was broken on my world, the skies turned red and another Earth appeared in the sky.
Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe-Marvel Database page -
Atomic: 5 of 8
Original Art By:
Paul Ryan, Al Williamson
Originally Published:
October, 1989
I...held both worlds with my hands. I held them apart for as long as I could, but to no avail.
Squadron Sinister Vol.1-Marvel Database page -
Atomic: 6 of 8
Original Art By:
Carlos Pacheco, Mariano Taibo, Frank Martin
Originally Published:
June, 2015
I don't know what, who, or even why it happened. It was almost like a force of nature.
Squadron Sinister Vol.1 #1-Marvel Database page -
Atomic: 7 of 8
Original Art By:
Jim Cheung
Originally Published:
June, 2015
And even when it all ended, it did not take me. I was left alone in a void, like being left alive in a coffin.
Squadron Sinister Vol.1 #2-Marvel Database page -
Atomic: 8 of 8
Original Art By:
Carlos Pacheco
Originally Published:
July, 2015
Now I hear similar events are taking place on this Earth I have sworn to protect. I will do whatever it takes to prevent another tragedy, Agent. This I promise.