A job interview? Seriously? I mean, you took Moonstone, for crying out loud. I figured all I had to do was show up. But hey, you want my qualifications? Fine.
You already know I can copy the moves of anyone I see. You get me, you get the best of the rest. Cap's shield throw? Spider-Man's web swing? Like tying my shoes.
Now granted, I'm not Rogue. I don't get the power set. So don't ask me to juggle trucks or shoot laser beams out my nose or whatever. But name a martial art I haven't mastered, and I'll buy you lunch.
And I'm a damn good teacher. Even had a HYDRA training academy going... until you guys shut it down. Yeah, thanks a heap. Small business owners, always getting dumped on by the government...
Not that it was a great gig or anything. Half the "students" were complete mooks. "I'll pay you back after my first mission, Taskmaster! You'll see, I'm gonna be the next Crossbones!" Give me a friggin' break.
Anyway. So, why S.H.I.E.L.D.? Honestly, I didn't even consider it until recently. Didn't pay enough. This place used to be like a superspy sweatshop. Seriously, ask Constrictor, he'll tell you all about it.
But times change. A.I.M.'s checks keep bouncing, HYDRA's got management issues out the wazoo, the Maggia's too small-time... and don't even ask about the Circle of 8. Creepy bastards.
Stacked against all that, S.H.I.E.L.D. looks pretty good. Guess that's not a ringing endorsement, but what can I say? You get what you pay for. So... what are you offering?