Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

The Mimetic Collection consists of eight Comic Book Covers found in Mimetic Lockboxes. Completing the collection results in the recruitment of Taskmaster. It was first made available on April 11, 2014 as part of PVP Tournament: Season 15.

Avengers Vol. 1 #196
-Marvel Database page-
Avengers Vol
Mimetic: 1 of 8
Original Art By:
George Perez, Joe Rubinstein, & Gaspar Saladino
Originally Published:
June, 1980
A job interview? Seriously? I mean, you took Moonstone, for crying out loud. I figured all I had to do was show up. But hey, you want my qualifications? Fine.
Cable & Deadpool Vol. 1 #36
-Marvel Database page-
Cable & Deadpool Vol
Mimetic: 2 of 8
Original Art By:
Patrick Zircher
Originally Published:
January, 2007
You already know I can copy the moves of anyone I see. You get me, you get the best of the rest. Cap's shield throw? Spider-Man's web swing? Like tying my shoes.
Taskmaster Vol. 2 #1
-Marvel Database page-
Taskmaster Vol
Mimetic: 3 of 8
Original Art By:
Alex Garner
Originally Published:
September, 2010
Now granted, I'm not Rogue. I don't get the power set. So don't ask me to juggle trucks or shoot laser beams out my nose or whatever. But name a martial art I haven't mastered, and I'll buy you lunch.
Taskmaster Vol. 1 #1
-Marvel Database page-
Taskmaster Vol
Mimetic: 4 of 8
Original Art By:
Udon Studios
Originally Published:
April, 2002
And I'm a damn good teacher. Even had a HYDRA training academy going... until you guys shut it down. Yeah, thanks a heap. Small business owners, always getting dumped on by the government...
Secret Avengers Vol. 2 #2
-Marvel Database page-
Secret Avengers Vol
Mimetic: 5 of 8
Original Art By:
Tomm Coker & Daniel Freedman
Originally Published:
March, 2013
Not that it was a great gig or anything. Half the "students" were complete mooks. "I'll pay you back after my first mission, Taskmaster! You'll see, I'm gonna be the next Crossbones!" Give me a friggin' break.
Avengers: The Initiative Vol. 1 #33
-Marvel Database page-
Avengers: The Initiative Vol
Mimetic: 6 of 8
Original Art By:
David Yardin
Originally Published:
February, 2010
Anyway. So, why S.H.I.E.L.D.? Honestly, I didn't even consider it until recently. Didn't pay enough. This place used to be like a superspy sweatshop. Seriously, ask Constrictor, he'll tell you all about it.
Avengers: The Initiative Vol. 1 #25
-Marvel Database page-
Avengers: The Initiative Vol
Mimetic: 7 of 8
Original Art By:
Humberto Ramos & Edgar Delgado
Originally Published:
August, 2009
But times change. A.I.M.'s checks keep bouncing, HYDRA's got management issues out the wazoo, the Maggia's too small-time... and don't even ask about the Circle of 8. Creepy bastards.
The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #308
-Marvel Database page-
The Amazing Spider-Man Vol
Mimetic: 8 of 8
Original Art By:
Todd McFarlane
Originally Published:
November, 1988
Stacked against all that, S.H.I.E.L.D. looks pretty good. Guess that's not a ringing endorsement, but what can I say? You get what you pay for. So... what are you offering?
