Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

The Sandbox Collection consists of eight Comic Book Covers found in Sandboxes. Completing the collection results in the recruitment of Sandman. It was first made available on 19 May 2014 as part of Special Operations - Symbiosis.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #4
Amazing Spider-Man Vol
Sandbox: 1 of 8
Original Art By:
Steve Ditko
Originally Published:
September, 1963
Funny how one dumb mistake can screw you over. Throw a game, get kicked offa the team. Rough up your coach, get kicked outta school. Try ta make a living, get thrown in the clink.
Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #616
Amazing Spider-Man Vol
Sandbox: 2 of 8
Original Art By:
Paolo Rivera
Originally Published:
February, 2010
Break outta jail, stumble on a radioactive beach, get turned into a freak. What a life. Felt good at the time, though. First time I felt like I wasn't just another schlub with a record.
Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #148
Fantastic Four Vol
Sandbox: 3 of 8
Original Art By:
Rich Buckler
Originally Published:
July, 1974
Y'know I never even thought about helpin' folks with my power? I coulda gone into construction, or... I dunno. Somethin' that wasn't hittin' people and takin' their stuff. It's just... I didn't know nothin' else.
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol. 1 #17
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol
Sandbox: 4 of 8
Original Art By:
Mike Wieringo
Originally Published:
April, 2007
What would you have done, huh? I was invincible! I could do anything I wanted and nothin' could touch me! Well... except Spider-Man. With a vacuum cleaner. Yeah, ain't proud'a that one.
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Vol. 1 #23
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Vol
Sandbox: 5 of 8
Original Art By:
Patrick Scherberger
Originally Published:
March, 2007
It takes it outta you, ya know? Doin' crimes, bein' hunted down, not givin' a crap about anything... it does things to your head. It's the only thing I'm good at, but I think I'm goin' crazy from it.
Marvel Age Spider-Man Vol. 1 #17
Marvel Age Spider-Man Vol
Sandbox: 6 of 8
Original Art By:
Roger Cruz
Originally Published:
December, 2004
I got scattered on a beach once, after fightin' Spidey. Just blowin' away on the wind, not knowin' who or what I was. You can't know how that feels. It's like tiny bits of you dying, slowly. Forever.
Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 #4
Amazing Spider-Man Vol
Sandbox: 7 of 8
Original Art By:
John Byrne
Originally Published:
April, 1999
That ain't no way to live. Sure, I had some bad breaks, but so did other folks, and they turned out okay. Hell, Ben Grimm looks like a pile o' rocks, and you couldn't find a better guy!
Incredible Hulk Vol. 1 #113
Incredible Hulk Vol
Sandbox: 8 of 8
Original Art By:
Herb Trimpe
Originally Published:
March, 1969
Yeah, I'm doin' it right now. I'm goin' clean, for real. If you got the papers, bring 'em out! I'll sign 'em. Bill Baker...the Avenger. Hah! Who woulda thought.
