Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

The Shocking Collection consists of eight Comic Book Covers found in Shocking Lockboxes. Completing the collection results in the recruitment of Shocker. It was first made available on March 28, 2016 as part of PVP Tournament: Season 29.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 #46
-Marvel Database page-
Amazing Spider-Man Vol
Shocker: 1 of 8
Original Art By:
John Romita Sr.
Originally Published:
March, 1967
Agent Coulson: Herman Schultz, I'm Agent Coulson.
Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 #72
-Marvel Database page-
Amazing Spider-Man Vol
Shocker: 2 of 8
Original Art By:
John Romita Sr.
Originally Published:
May, 1969
Shocker: Coulson huh? Never heard of you.
Marvel Tales Vol .2 #129
-Marvel Database page-
Marvel Tales Vol
Shocker: 3 of 8
Original Art By:
Gil Kane
Originally Published:
July, 1981
Agent Coulson: Original but lazy. Maybe it would interest you to know that I'm the man between you and a life sentence.
New Thunderbolts Vol.1 #8
-Marvel Database page-
New Thunderbolts Vol
Shocker: 4 of 8
Original Art By:
Herrera, Faucher, and Delgado.
Originally Published:
July, 2005
Shocker: Alright, Agent Coulson. I'm listening.

Agent Coulson: Pretty smart, Herman. In fact, you've been pretty smart most of your life.Except you always kept looking for the easy-way out.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 #579
-Marvel Database page-
Amazing Spider-Man Vol
Shocker: 5 of 8
Original Art By:
Marcos Martin
Originally Published:
February, 2009
Agent Coulson: School bored you, so you dropped out. People disrespect you, so you took what you wanted from them. When everyone else took your spotlight, you made yourself into a Super Villain.

Yet all throughout your career, you never became more than someone else's henchman.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 #579 Villain Variant
-Marvel Database page-
Amazing Spider-Man Vol
Shocker: 6 of 8
Original Art By:
Marcos Martin
Originally Published:
February, 2009
Shocker: You getting somewhere with this, Coulson? You're beginning to bore me.
Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 #669
Amazing Spider-Man Vol
Shocker: 7 of 8
Original Art By:
Humberto Ramos & Edgar Delgado
Originally Published:
November, 2011
Agent Coulson: Just this. Stop taking the easy-way out. Start trying to make something of yourself. If you want respect, show you are worth it instead of throwing a temper-tantrum like some people I know.
Daredevil: Dark Knights Vol. 1 #4
-Marvel Database page-
Daredevil: Dark Knights Vol
Shocker: 8 of 8
Original Art By:
Klaus Janson & Lee Laughridge
Originally Published:
November, 2013
Agent Coulson: What I'm offering you isn't easy, but it will certainly get you the respect you crave. What I'm offering you is a chance to save the world.

Shocker: ...Alright, sign me up.
