Star-Lord: Fine! Don't talk to me! "Woe is me, the high and mighty Kree Accuser, laid low by pitiful Earthlings! Leave me be and let me weep in my cell."
Star-Lord: Punishment? This is punishment? I mean, don't get me wrong, I know you could bust out of here and walk through that door anytime you wanted to, buddy. We can't keep you here, and you know it. So why are you still here?
Ronan: You are only a Guardian of the Galaxy, Quill, but I serve a higher cause. Even my own people fail to see that I seek to save the universe. At every turn, you and your allies have stopped me. And have no idea of the repercussions of your success.
Star-Lord: What are you talking about? You're not making sense, Ronan.
Ronan: Incursions, Peter Quill. They are not just a threat to your Earth but a threat to the entire universe.
If Earth were to fall to an Incursion, our universe goes along with it, for whatever reason that may be. That's why Earth should be destroyed. Without Earth, there are no more Incursions.
Ronan: You know nothing, Peter Quill. But if I cannot destroy Earth, then I will ensure its survival and the survival of my people. Stand aside, Quill. I will have words with the Earthling Coulson.