Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

Teamwork - Avengers (4)[]

Teamwork - Avengers (4)
Daily Mission - Green Goblin
Mastery Stars Score
Star icon 10,500
Star icon Star icon 163,000
Star icon Star icon Star icon 326,000
Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon 652,000
Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon 1,304,000

"Teamwork is the name of the game for this mission. Complete the mission using a group of heroes known for their team affiliation."
— Mission Info

"Teamwork - Avengers only!
Missions are restricted to a particular Team.
Only Avengers may participate in today's Daily Mission.
Check the Bio tab in the Team page for a list of Avenger heroes.
— Rule Details

Location: Brooklyn Bridge

Low: x1
Medium: x2
High: x1

Low Threat Map Icon Low Threats: NONE
(1 point each)
Medium Threat Map Icon Medium Threats: NONE
(2 points each)
High Threat Map Icon High Threats: NONE
(3 points each)
BL-Beta Icon BL-Gamma Blastericon
Test Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each roundTest Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each round
TA-Beta Icon TA-Gamma Tacticianicon
Test Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each roundTest Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each round
SC-Beta Icon SC-Gamma Scrappericon
Test Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each roundTest Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each round
BL-Delta Icon BL-Delta Blastericon
Untested Power - Meltdown always critically hits.Untested Power - Meltdown always critically hits.
Test Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each roundTest Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each round
TA-Delta Icon TA-Delta Tacticianicon
Deep Thought - Attacking this target will cost extra staminaDeep Thought - Attacking this target will cost extra stamina
Test Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each roundTest Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each round
SC-Delta Icon SC-Delta Scrappericon
Test Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each roundTest Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each round
BR-Beta Icon BR-Gamma Bruisericon
Test Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each roundTest Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each round
IN-Beta Icon IN-Gamma Infiltratoricon
Test Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each roundTest Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each round
IN-Delta Icon IN-Delta Infiltratoricon
High Acceleration - Attacks do extra damage, but attacker takes damage as wellHigh Acceleration - Attacks do extra damage, but attacker takes damage as well
Test Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each roundTest Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each round
BR-Delta Icon BR-Delta Bruisericon
Test Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each roundTest Serum 1 round - Driven into a frenzy by a mysterious serum; Gaining attacks each round


Assemble! Any pair of core Avengers members A-BombAresBeastBlack KnightBlack PantherBlack WidowBlue MarvelCannonballCaptain AmericaCrystalFalconHank PymHawkeyeHellcatHerculesHulkHyperionIron ManKate BishopMantisMockingbirdMoon KnightMoondragonMsQuakeQuicksilverScarlet WitchShe-HulkSquirrel GirlSunfireThorTigraVisionWaspWinter SoldierWonder Man

Roulette Rewards[]

Table 1: Roulette Rewards
Reward Weight
3x Supplies (Table 1.1) 20.0
3x Supplies (Table 1.1) 19.0
3x Supplies (Table 1.1) 19.0
6x Supplies (Table 1.1) 9.0
6x Supplies (Table 1.1) 9.0
6x Supplies (Table 1.1) 9.0
12x Supplies (Table 1.1) 5.0
12x Supplies (Table 1.1) 5.0
12x Supplies (Table 1.1) 5.0
Total 100.0
Table 1.1: Supplies
Reward Weight
Anniversary Cake 1.0
Brined Turkey 1.0
Candy Apple 1.0
Chocolate Bunny 1.0
Christmas Cookies 1.0
Cookies and Milk 1.0
Glazed Ham 1.0
Jelly Beans 1.0
Shawarma 1.0
Taco 1.0
Taffy 1.0
Turkey Leg 1.0
Total 12.0

Community Guides[]
