Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

Wildcard - Gods (3)[]

Wildcard - Gods (3)
Daily Mission - Dark Hawkeye
Mastery Stars Score
Star icon 10,000
Star icon Star icon 132,000
Star icon Star icon Star icon 264,000
Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon 528,000
Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon 1,056,000

"Anything might be necessary on this mission. Complete the mission with the characters required."
— Mission Info

"Wildcard - Gods only!
Missions are restricted to heroes who are Gods.
Ares, Enchantress, Heimdall, Hercules, Loki, Sif, Thor, Valkyrie
— Rule Details


Mini-Boss 1
Dark Widow Icon Dark Widow Infiltratoricon
CQC Mastery - Chance to pre-emptively counter Melee attacksCQC Mastery - Chance to pre-emptively counter Melee attacks
Dark Widow's Mark - Places Dark Widow's Mark when attacked by a Ranged attack; Target becomes the focus of Dark Widow's attacks until StunnedDark Widow's Mark - Places Dark Widow's Mark when attacked by a Ranged attack; Target becomes the focus of Dark Widow's attacks until Stunned
Stealthy - Attacks are StealthyStealthy - Attacks are Stealthy
Relentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effectsRelentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effects
Mini-Boss 2
Dark Thor Icon Dark Thor Bruisericon
Charge Absorption - Increases in power when attacked by targets with Static Charge, consuming their charge; Charges increase attack damage; A massive attack is unleashed upon reaching 5 Absorbed ChargesCharge Absorption - Increases in power when attacked by targets with Static Charge, consuming their charge; Charges increase attack damage; A massive attack is unleashed upon reaching 5 Absorbed Charges
Asgardian Emulation - Immune to Burning, Chilled, Poison, Radiation and BleedingAsgardian Emulation - Immune to Burning, Chilled, Poison, Radiation and Bleeding
Relentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effectsRelentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effects
Mini-Boss 3
Dark Wolverine Icon Dark Wolverine Scrappericon
Sensing Hesitation - Counters when he can sense a target rechargingSensing Hesitation - Counters when he can sense a target recharging
Healing Factor - Gradually restores Health during combat; Reduces durations for Bleeding and Poison; Attacks that would reduce health to 0 have a chance to reduce health to 1% insteadHealing Factor - Gradually restores Health during combat; Reduces durations for Bleeding and Poison; Attacks that would reduce health to 0 have a chance to reduce health to 1% instead
Relentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effectsRelentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effects

Minimum Cleared: 2

Dark Hawkeye Icon Dark Hawkeye Blastericon
Dark Hawkeye's Initiative - Dark Hawkeye has a 50% chance of getting a followup attack against targets with Pinpoint TargetDark Hawkeye's Initiative - Dark Hawkeye has a 50% chance of getting a followup attack against targets with Pinpoint Target
Faster on the Draw - Chance to pre-emptively counter ranged attacksFaster on the Draw - Chance to pre-emptively counter ranged attacks
Master Marksman - Attacks almost never miss; Attacks against marked targets are guaranteed to critMaster Marksman - Attacks almost never miss; Attacks against marked targets are guaranteed to crit
Relentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effectsRelentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effects
Boss + Mini-Boss 2
Wave 1
Dark Thor Icon Dark Thor Bruisericon
Charge Absorption - Increases in power when attacked by targets with Static Charge, consuming their charge; Charges increase attack damage; A massive attack is unleashed upon reaching 5 Absorbed ChargesCharge Absorption - Increases in power when attacked by targets with Static Charge, consuming their charge; Charges increase attack damage; A massive attack is unleashed upon reaching 5 Absorbed Charges
Asgardian Emulation - Immune to Burning, Chilled, Poison, Radiation and BleedingAsgardian Emulation - Immune to Burning, Chilled, Poison, Radiation and Bleeding
Relentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effectsRelentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effects
Wave 2
Dark Hawkeye Icon Dark Hawkeye Blastericon
Dark Hawkeye's Initiative - Dark Hawkeye has a 50% chance of getting a followup attack against targets with Pinpoint TargetDark Hawkeye's Initiative - Dark Hawkeye has a 50% chance of getting a followup attack against targets with Pinpoint Target
Faster on the Draw - Chance to pre-emptively counter ranged attacksFaster on the Draw - Chance to pre-emptively counter ranged attacks
Master Marksman - Attacks almost never miss; Attacks against marked targets are guaranteed to critMaster Marksman - Attacks almost never miss; Attacks against marked targets are guaranteed to crit
Relentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effectsRelentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effects
Boss + Mini-Boss 3
Wave 1
Dark Wolverine Icon Dark Wolverine Scrappericon
Sensing Hesitation - Counters when he can sense a target rechargingSensing Hesitation - Counters when he can sense a target recharging
Healing Factor - Gradually restores Health during combat; Reduces durations for Bleeding and Poison; Attacks that would reduce health to 0 have a chance to reduce health to 1% insteadHealing Factor - Gradually restores Health during combat; Reduces durations for Bleeding and Poison; Attacks that would reduce health to 0 have a chance to reduce health to 1% instead
Relentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effectsRelentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effects
Wave 2
Dark Hawkeye Icon Dark Hawkeye Blastericon
Dark Hawkeye's Initiative - Dark Hawkeye has a 50% chance of getting a followup attack against targets with Pinpoint TargetDark Hawkeye's Initiative - Dark Hawkeye has a 50% chance of getting a followup attack against targets with Pinpoint Target
Faster on the Draw - Chance to pre-emptively counter ranged attacksFaster on the Draw - Chance to pre-emptively counter ranged attacks
Master Marksman - Attacks almost never miss; Attacks against marked targets are guaranteed to critMaster Marksman - Attacks almost never miss; Attacks against marked targets are guaranteed to crit
Relentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effectsRelentless - Immune to Stun, Exhaustion, Cower and prevention effects


  • Agent is prohibited in this Daily Mission.
  • Enchantress is excluded in this Daily Mission.
  • Even Angela isn't listed in this mission brief, she is available for selection when choosing teams.

Roulette Rewards[]

Date Items
April 25, 2015 6 random Lockboxes, 2 Supplies, 1 random Isotope-8 Crystal
