Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

Wildcard - Red in the Ledger[]

Wildcard - Red in the Ledger
Daily Mission - Executioner
Mastery Stars Score
Star icon 9,500
Star icon Star icon 149,000
Star icon Star icon Star icon 298,000
Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon 596,000
Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon Star icon 1,192,000

"It's a city wide brawl, play through a unique mission using only Scrappers."
— Mission Info

"Wildcard - Red in the Ledger heroes only!
Missions are restricted to certain heroes.
Only heroes with the Red in the Ledger Team up bonus may participate in today's Daily Mission.
Check the Bio tab in the Team page for a list of Red in the Ledger heroes.
— Rule Details

Location: Bellevue Hospital / Ryker's Island

Medium: x2
High: x2

Low Threat Map Icon Low Threats: NONE
(1 point each)
Medium Threat Map Icon Medium Threats: NONE
(2 points each)
High Threat Map Icon High Threats: NONE
(3 points each)
Jotun Aufeis Icon Jotun Aufeis Tacticianicon
Icy - Chills when touchedIcy - Chills when touched
Frozen - Ice Giants are immune to being chilled, but vulnerable to fireFrozen - Ice Giants are immune to being chilled, but vulnerable to fire
Jotun Chieftain Icon Jotun Chieftain Scrappericon
Frozen - Ice Giants are immune to being chilled, but vulnerable to fireFrozen - Ice Giants are immune to being chilled, but vulnerable to fire
Spring Thaw - Chance to Avoid attacks; Increased Accuracy; Loses health every turnSpring Thaw - Chance to Avoid attacks; Increased Accuracy; Loses health every turn
Extinguisher - Lowers damage of Fire and Energy attacksExtinguisher - Lowers damage of Fire and Energy attacks
Jotun Rimefrost Icon Jotun Frostkeeper Infiltratoricon
Icy - Chills when touchedIcy - Chills when touched
Frozen - Ice Giants are immune to being chilled, but vulnerable to fireFrozen - Ice Giants are immune to being chilled, but vulnerable to fire
Jotun Ice-Shaper Icon Jotun Ice-Shaper Bruisericon
Cold - Lacking Empathy, they attack the weakest enemyCold - Lacking Empathy, they attack the weakest enemy
Frozen - Ice Giants are immune to being chilled, but vulnerable to fireFrozen - Ice Giants are immune to being chilled, but vulnerable to fire
Ice Shell - Increases defense; Removed by Fire or Energy attacksIce Shell - Increases defense; Removed by Fire or Energy attacks


  • Agent is prohibited in this Daily Mission.
  • Baron Mordo, Boomerang, Blizzard, Magik & Shocker are excluded in this Daily Mission, despite them having the "Red In The Ledger" Team-Up Bonus.
  • Deadpool is included in this Daily Mission, despite him not having the "Red In The Ledger" Team-Up Bonus.
Red in the Ledger Heroes who started their careers as villains Ant-ManAnti-VenomAvalancheBaron MordoBeetleBlack CatBlack WidowBlizzardBoomerangCannonballConstrictorDestroyerElectroElektraEmma FrostEnchantressFixerGambitGamoraGrootHawkeyeHybridJuggernautKraven the HunterLizardLokiMagnetoMedusaMoondragonMoonstoneMorbiusOmega SentinelPunisherQuicksilverRogueSabretoothSandmanSatanaScarlet WitchShockerSongbirdSpider-WomanSpiralSunfireSuperior Spider-ManTaskmasterThundraVisionWinter SoldierWonder Man

Roulette Rewards[]

Date Items
January 22, 2015 6 random Gear, 2 Supplies, 1 random Isotope-8 Crystal
