Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

For the Passive Debuff, see Deathfrost/Passive Debuff

Effect BG 1 RedEffect Icon 004
Debuff 2 rounds
 Taking Magic damage and losing stamina every turn
 Evasion lowered
 Counts as Chilled for actions that affect Chilled targets
2 rounds
Effect BG 1 RedDeathfrost
 Taking Magic damage and losing stamina every turn
 Evasion lowered
 Counts as Chilled for actions that affect Chilled targets


  • Taking damage by 10% of average Health.
  • Losing stamina by 12% of base Stamina.
  • Evasion lowered by 10%.

Augmented Isotope-8[]

Icon Name Action
A-Iso Red 031 Breaking Augmented Iso-8
(Scarlet Witch Scarlet Witch only)
Misfortune - Probability Field has a chance to cause Biofeedback, Dark Void, Deathfrost, Radiation Exposure, or SoulfireMisfortune - Probability Field has a chance to cause Biofeedback, Dark Void, Deathfrost, Radiation Exposure, or Soulfire
Scarlet Witch-Probability Field Probability Field


Icon Name
Adaptive Pistol Adaptive Pistol
Adaptive Pistol Adaptive Mystic Pistol
Wayward Set Bonus - Unlocked with Latent Staff of Return or Staff of Return; Gains Wild Magic only with Staff of ReturnWayward Set Bonus - Unlocked with Latent Staff of Return or Staff of Return; Gains Wild Magic only with Staff of Return
 Wayward Set Bonus
Wild Magic - Chance to Spawn Dark Void, Soulfire, and DeathfrostWild Magic - Chance to Spawn Dark Void, Soulfire, and Deathfrost
 Wild Magic
Eldritch Staff Eldritch Staff
Fury Fury
(On Enemies, if Agent has
Dark Void (2 rounds) - Taking Magic damage every turn; Accuracy reducedDark Void (2 rounds) - Taking Magic damage every turn; Accuracy reduced
 Dark Void)

Deathfrost - Causes Deathfrost on the AgentDeathfrost - Causes Deathfrost on the Agent
Hammering Nail Hammering Nail
Heir of Hell Heir of Hell
Lantern of Doom Lantern of Doom
Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.
Lantern of Doom-Smothering Shadow Smothering Shadow(60% chance)
Laufey's Knife Laufey's Knife
Laufey's Needle Laufey's Needle
Memento Mori Memento Mori
Ring of Ikthalon Ring of Ikthalon
Staff of Ice Staff of Ice
Twisted Gift Twisted Gift


Icon Name
Deathfrost Shard Deathfrost Shard
Mystical Munition Mystical Munition


Name Ability
Constrictor Icon 1
Quartermaster - Chance to use a random item before an attackQuartermaster - Chance to use a random item before an attack
(By procing Mystical Munition)
Doctor Voodoo Icon 1
Doctor Voodoo-Voodoo Incantation Voodoo Incantation
Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.

Doctor Voodoo-Vodoun Crows Vodoun Crows
Iceman Icon 2
Iceman-Ice Capades Cold Day
Iceman-Cold Feet Freezes Over
Loki Icon 1
Loki-Throwing Dagger Throwing Dagger
Magik Icon 1Magik Icon 2
Magik-Unleash Hell Unleash Hell
Spiral Icon 1
Spiral-Dance Magic Dance Dance Magic Dance
Breakdown - Chance to cause Biofeedback, Dark Void, Deathfrost, Radiation Exposure, or SoulfireBreakdown - Chance to cause Biofeedback, Dark Void, Deathfrost, Radiation Exposure, or Soulfire
 Breakdown (30% chance)


Name Ability
Death Icon
Cold Day
Doctor Voodoo Icon
 Doctor Voodoo
Vodoun Crows
Executioner Icon
Necrotic Blast
Hela Icon
(50% chance)
Jotun Aufeis Icon
 Jotun Aufeis
Chill of the Grave
Maximus the Mad Icon
 Maximus the Mad
Cosmic Vector Redirector
Breakdown - Chance to cause Biofeedback, Dark Void, Deathfrost, Radiation Exposure, or SoulfireBreakdown - Chance to cause Biofeedback, Dark Void, Deathfrost, Radiation Exposure, or Soulfire
 Breakdown (30% chance)

