Demons are extra-dimensional beings that exist in various realms of hell. As mystical beings, demons posses varying degrees of power. They feed upon souls of the evil or sinful people. They are skilled in black magic and all exist with a need to cause suffering on the mortal world.
Blackheart |
Daimon Hellstrom |
Dormammu |
Mephisto |
Satana |
Surtur |
Inves |
Nefaralae |
Verignis |
Cusptero |
Sicuspcis |
Spiculum |
Sicuspcis Lord | |
Domina |
Meretrix |
Subcinctus |
Subcinctus Lord | |
Harpe |
Incascia |
Tetrabrach |
Auspex |
Bellator |
Praefectus |
Auspex Lord |
- Introduced in Special Operations - All Hallows.
- Demons also appear in Magik's Ruler of Limbo and in certain attacks of Satana, Daimon Hellstrom, Baron Mordo, Mephisto, Blackheart, and Grim Reaper