Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
This article is about the Attack Buff effect. For the Passive effect, see Dependable Ranged/Passive.
Effect BG 1 BlueEffect Icon 102
  Dependable Ranged
Attack Buff
 Ranged move cannot be locked out
Related / Similar Effects:
Dependable Melee - Melee move cannot be locked outDependable Melee - Melee move cannot be locked out
 Dependable Melee
Dependable Buffs - Buff move cannot be locked outDependable Buffs - Buff move cannot be locked out
 Dependable Buffs
Dependable Debuffs - Debuffs move cannot be locked outDependable Debuffs - Debuffs move cannot be locked out
 Dependable Debuffs
This Effect is a part of:
Augmented Iso-8 Effects
Dependable Ranged
Attack Buff
Effect BG 1 BlueDependable Ranged
 Ranged move cannot be locked out

Augmented Isotope-8[]

Icon Name
A-Iso Yellow 121 Dependable Ballistic A-Iso-8
